Wedding Dress Shopping

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*Two Months Later*

Things were great with Shoto. We were publicly dating and he reminded me why I loved him each and every day. We were still working for different companies, but those mornings apart provided us with new conversations. We also wanted to establish our careers as individuals, and not as a couple. It seemed like all of our friends were happy for us, especially now that there wasn't as much drama within the group. His mother and I made up, so I was finally back on the wedding party and back to game nights at their house. It seemed like they were all over the moon about our relationship status. They loved to talk about our possible future, and provided plenty of date ideas. On one of our days off, I joined Fuyumi, Rei, Makoto's mom and sisters, wedding dress and bridesmaid dress shopping. We all met up at the bridal shop and I greeted his family once I saw them.

"Hey!" I smiled brightly. "It's so nice to see you guys again." I went to hug Makoto's sisters, Kasumi and Tomoe and their mother Takara. Kasumi was the oldest at 36. She was already married and had a daughter. Tomoe was the youngest at 28. She was single, but dating. Makoto was 32 and obviously marrying Fuyumi.

"Good to see you." Takara smiled.

"Everyone. Let's pick out some dresses before we try them on." Said Rei.

"I want all of the dresses to be long, beautiful, but modest. No cleavage and no legs showing for either of us." Said Fuyumi. "Help me find the bridesmaid dresses first."

"The wedding colors are white, champagne and a soft blue. Try to find a champagne or soft blue colored dress." We nodded and started looking around the bridal store. I was with Tomoe and we talked while we searched.

"So, how's it going with that lawyer guy?" I asked her. "Have you two continued seeing each other?"

"We have." She smiled. "We're taking it slow, but he's my plus one to the wedding. How are things going with Shoto?"

"Amazing." I smiled. "Do brides toss the bouquet in Japan? If so, let me catch it."

"You're only 22." She laughed. "Aren't you a little young?"

"I don't think so. Sometimes, you just know. He's who I want to spend my life with."

"I found it!" Yelled Kasumi. "The bridesmaid dresses!" We all ran towards her to look at a collection of dresses from the same designer.

"What color is that?" I asked. "Champagne? Ivory?"

"I don't know, but it's close to champagne and I love it." Said Fuyumi. "Does everyone agree?" We all agreed and went on to find the wedding dress. When the dresses were all found and ordered with our sizes, we met up with the guys who were done getting measured for their suits. At the restaurant were Endeavor, Shoto, Natsuo, Makoto, his father Minato and Kasumi's husband Gojo.

"Sit with your wedding pairs." Said Takara. "These are the people who are walking down the aisle together in front of the bride. Kasumi, sit next to your husband. Tomoe is sitting with Natsuo and y/n will be with Shoto." We nodded and walked towards them. I looked at Shoto and smiled as he got up to pull my chair out. I sat down and he pushed my chair back in for me before sitting. I felt him rest his arm around my shoulder and I turned to smile at him before holding his hand. We ate and talked about what to expect from the wedding. We only had three months left to prepare, since the happy couple wanted to get married as soon as possible.

After lunch, we started parting ways and Shoto and I got into his car. "Did you decide on going tomorrow?" He asked. "To the club."

"Are you going?"

"I think so. It's for Asui's birthday."

"Then I'll go. Just don't freak out over my outfit."

"... What's that supposed to mean?"

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