❄️The Battle pt.2🔥

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"Master!" Yelled the giant. Shoto and Nejire quickly attacked Shigaraki, but were hit with an attack from the giant.

"Shoto!" I yelled before rushing to him and grabbing him to lessen the impact of being tossed on the ground. The blades that were still inside of me were pushed out by force, but made all my wounds larger. Shoto and I soon stopped rolling on the ground and Endeavor soon joined us with Midoriya in hand.

"Are you two okay?!" He asked, but stared at me.

"I'm fine." Shoto responded before turning to look at me. His eyes widened and he quickly forced me onto my back. "You fucking idiot!" He cried. "Clench your teeth. Dad!" They both quickly began cauterizing my wounds from the inside since my skin was pretty much burn resistant and I held in my cries as I looked up, but my jaw dropped in shock when I saw him. Dabi, standing on top of the monster. The one person I didn't want to see during this. "Oh, there you are!" Dabi smirked. I was quickly flipped onto my stomach and the wounds were being cauterized from the back. I whimpered as tears filled my face and the burning soon stopped. "From up here, everyone looks tiny, so I couldn't really tell what's going on. I see Shoto and I'm guessing y/n is there too? Everyone's here! This is great!" I slowly turned to look at him and noticed my mother circle around the giant and come towards me. "Y/n, you have a little something all over your face." My mom sat behind me and pulled me into her arms before wiping my face. I quickly realized she was wiping blood off and noticed her eyes become teary. "Are we good? Can I start now?"

"Dabi!" Endeavor growled.

I watched as Dabi poured a bottle of fluid over his head and his black hair quickly became white. "That's mean. Don't call me that. I've got this splendid name already. Toya. My face ended up like this, but I thought my family would realize who I was. Well, at least my baby brother's girlfriend did." Shoto quickly looked at me before looking back at Dabi. I was actually right, but I really wanted to be wrong. "It's so cruel. So sad, really, but I didn't forget. Without being told, I watched you this whole time." My stomach began to turn as I looked at the shock on Endeavor and Shoto's faces. "A pre-recorded video of my personal history is currently playing on all the TVs in the country and on the internet. Oh no. I don't know why, but I'm starting to have fun! How could I make you suffer? How could I trample on your life? It's all I've been thinking about since that day! I didn't know why I existed, and I cried every day clinging to Natsu. You didn't know, did you? At first, when you completed your puppet, Shoto, I thought I'd kill him. But then, you unexpectedly became the number one hero! I!... wanted to make you happy. I was afraid you were going to die in Kyushu!" He began spinning around as he spoke and looked completely insane. He's never looked so unhinged before. "You were soothed by admiration from the public, weren't you? The time you spent talking to your kids made you feel the bonds of family, right? You thought you could live properly if you only looked to the future, didn't you? Looks like you don't have a clue, so let me tell you!... The past won't go away. You reap what you sow! Let's fall together, Enji Todoroki! Come dance with me in hell, won't you, father?!"

"Toya died. That's an inexcusable lie."

"I'm alive. It's the undeniable truth. Just ask your daughter in law. How could you not realize that I was your son and you let a stranger find out before you?" Endeavor turned to look at me and I quickly bowed my head to avoid eye contact. He looked so hurt and maybe I should've warned him. I sat up and out of my mothers arms. This was no time to rest. "Did it not even cross your mind since flame type quirks are a dime a dozen?... If you still doubt me, I'll give you blood or skin if you want. You can do a paternity test. Well, I already did one and made it public, though... Y/n~" I looked up at Dabi to make eye contact with him. I felt sick to my stomach as I realized he was almost unrecognizable. He didn't look mean or warm, like he did when we were together. His facial expressions felt wrong and twisted. "Man, you look rough. Shigaraki did a real number on you, but let's start the real conversation. You were absolutely right. I am Toya and you were the first person to figure it out. I think you deserve a prize." He laughed before creepily grinning at me. "I'll give you one last chance to join me or... Endeavor and Shoto can watch me kill you. I'd say you're already halfway there."

"W-why would you say that?" I asked as I began shaking. I wasn't fearing for my life, but I feared what he had become. I feared the side of him that I didn't see. The side that seemed unredeemable. "Why would you want to kill me? I thought-."

"Ah! Yes, I'll admit. I did enjoy our time together and I also did enjoy our conversations after you went back to U.A... Yes father, she continued talking to me after being let go and vented to me about all her troubles. I'm a great older brother, after all. Oh wait! Is that Ice Queen?! The mother who abandoned you and rejected being your mother until you were old enough to use?! You see, father. She's told me a lot."

"Y/n" I heard Endeavor say and I looked at him to see a horrified expression on his face. I immediately began feeling guilty and began choking up as tears filled my eyes.

"I-I know. I sh-shouldn't h-have." I stuttered. "I..."

"Aww." Said Dabi. "Don't be too mad at her. I treated her really well during captivity. She thought I could change and be a part of the family some day. She just didn't know she was another pawn. I did everything I could to hurt you and Shoto in some way. When I saw her blue flames, I thought, this is the perfect excuse for kidnapping her. I wanted to see if she'd join me, but she was set on becoming a hero with Shoto. It would've been a great way to hurt you two. I'd make you hurt and capture someone you really cared about or you'd watch her do it to you. I would've made her into the perfect weapon... but of course. She rejected my offer again and again. So now, I think killing her might be the best option if she rejects me again. You'd be mourning another big loss... although I was never really dead."

"You're a manipulative monster! How could you?!" I yelled at him angrily, before coughing up blood.

He chuckled before leaning closer. "Aww, I guess that's my last rejection. I'll give you one last present to show you how much I really care. I'll kill your mother too!" He laughed before grinning and my stomach quickly dropped. "I can't wait to kill you... Endeavor! Thanks for being alive and well until today." He jumped down towards us and Shoto got ready to fight.

"Dad! Protect Y/n, Midoriya and Bakugo! Ice Queen, Hado and I will fight! Please move! Protect them!" Shoto began crying as he yelled at his father. "Hey! Deal with this later!" Blue flames erupted from Dabi and I quickly rushed towards him to hit him with mine first. "Y/n!" As they hit him, metal whips wrapped around him from the sky and we looked up to see Best Jeanist.

"Sorry for the delay!" He apologized. "Best Jeanist is on the job again starting today!"

I coughed again, feeling blood shoot out of my mouth. My ears started ringing loudly and I looked down at my fingers to see them shaking. Why was everything so loud? The ground suddenly shook when Best Jeanist tied down the giant. I fell to the ground with Shoto and my mom rushing to my side, but the ringing soon stopped, making me feel a bit better. "Stop moving!" Shoto yelled at me. I watched him get up, still teary eyed, and he rushed towards Dabi. He punched him as Nejire was getting ready to attack the others, but Dabi burned her out of the sky before breaking free from the restraints. The giant suddenly growled before trying to break free and Shoto and Dabi started fighting. So much was happening and I couldn't keep up. Nomus were approaching Best Jeanist and before they could get to him, someone else appeared and stopped them. Lemillion, AKA Mirio Togata. The strongest third year student who lost his power.

"Thank god." I sighed.

"S-Someone! HELP!~" Mirio yelled.

"... Huh?" Bakugo suddenly rushed in to help and was soon joined by Iida and Nejire. "Mom, go help them."

"What? I can't leave you here." She said. "It's not safe."

"Then make it safe."

"Please, just don't get up. Stay with Endeavor." I nodded and watched her leave to help the students and Best Jeanist.

I looked at Endeavor to see he was still frozen in his spot as Dabi was burning Shoto. I groaned as I forced myself to stand up and noticed Midoriya push them apart. The giant suddenly broke free and I saw Endeavor speed past me and fly towards it before hitting it. I gasped when I saw him cough up blood and fall unconscious, but just as he did, so did the giant. I quickly flew towards Endeavor and grabbed him before he hit the floor. I gently put him down before laying next to him. I was out of breath and felt my body becoming numb. "No." I whispered to myself. "No. No. No. Stay awake. You need to keep helping. Every. Second. Counts..." Everything became dark and I lost all feeling in my body. I was unconscious.

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