Second Session

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The next day, I felt ready for my appointment with Shoto and the therapist. My parents drove me to the office and I went in with Shoto once we were all there. We continued where we left off and started talking about the time I was first kidnapped by Dabi. "Tell me what that was like." The doctor requested.

"It wasn't a bad experience. In the beginning, I never feared him or sensed any danger from him. He talked to me, got my needs taken care of and taught me how to control my quirk. I immediately felt safe with him, which was stupid of me."

"Why did you feel safe?"

"His eyes. They reminded me of Shoto and Endeavor. He felt familiar from the start and it helped lower my guard." I told him about how I was released and still relied on Dabi for brotherly advice and conversation.

"Shoto. Did you know this was all happening?"

"Not at first." He responded. "I found out much later."

"What was your reaction?"

"... I accused them of being intimate." We eventually got to the part where I was kidnapped and tortured again by Dabi. I went into detail and soon watched the doctor raise his hand to stop me from talking.

"Shoto. Are you okay?" He asked. I turned to look at Shoto and saw that his face was paler than normal. I watched him get up and run to the nearest garbage can. He threw up and I quickly ran over to rub his back.

"I think he needs some water." I said to doctor Ichino. He went to grab a bottle and handed it to me. I quickly opened it and held it in front of Shoto until he took it. "Are you okay?" I asked while brushing his hair back. He nodded and slowly got up before chugging the water and sitting back down. We all sat back down to continue and we just stared at Shoto.

"What happened?" Said doctor Ichino. "Are you sick?"

"It's my fault." He answered. "Everything bad that's happened to her is because of me. I fucked up her life. I feel so guilty whenever I think about it. The details were just too much this time."

I huffed in annoyance and saw the doctor turn to look at me. "Do you have something to add?"

"Yes. I'm pissed." I answered. "I've told him that it wasn't his fault. His brother is the one to blame and I'm sick of him blaming himself."

"Why can't he take the blame? You were kidnapped by his brother. You were hurt because he wanted to hurt Shoto in the worst way possible. If it weren't for Shoto, then none of that would've happened to you."

"Shut up!" I yelled angrily. "I don't care if you're the doctor here! You're an outsider who knows nothing about our situation! Only what we tell you!"

"How isn't it his fault?"

I quickly got up and furrowed my eyebrows in anger. "What kind of doctor are you?! Do you think he chose his family?! He chose to have his father's dreams fulfilled through him?! He was hated by his oldest brother from the moment he was born without being able to say a single word! He was hated because of his father's stupid desire! So tell me how it was a baby's fault!"

"I apologize. I understand a little better now." I huffed before sitting back down and looking at Shoto.

"Stop feeling sorry. You're starting to piss me off." He nodded and we continued until our session was over. When we walked out of the room, our parents were waiting for us and we parted ways. When I got in the car, I sighed before finally telling them about the trip. "I'll be in America with Katsuki for a week. We leave in three days."

"What about Shoto?" My father asked.

"What about him?"

"You still have your appointments with him. Don't you want to work it out?"

"... I do. I'm thinking about moving here. I'm not sure if being here would be better than America, but I wanna try. I can always go back if I don't like it."

"Good choice." My mother added. "You can transfer to my-."

"I'll be joining Endeavors agency."

"What? Did he offer to take you?"

"No, but come on. We're talking about Endeavor. He wouldn't say no to me."

Throughout the week, Katsuki and I were packing for our trip and I made sure to tell everyone that I'd be coming back. I had officially decided to move to Japan, but wasn't planning on apartment hunting until I got back. I started feeling better mentally and was excited to spend time with Katsuki far away from any drama. The night before our flight, I got a text from Shoto, telling me to meet him on the roof of Endeavor's agency. I was honestly surprised, but I met him outside anyway. I walked outside to see him sitting on the edge of the building and I quietly sat next to him.

"Are you really moving back?" He asked without looking at me.

"Yea." I responded. "Is that okay with you?"

"Depends. Why did you come to that decision?"

"There's a lot of reasons... I was always the happiest when I lived here, although we were dealing with a lot back then. I had great friends, a great boyfriend... I'm moving here so that I could gain some of it back. The friends that I lost, and so that we could work on us in therapy. I can deal with us drifting apart, like how we were after I moved to America, but I can't deal with you hating me or being hurt because of me. I can't leave you like that again."

He turned to look at me and sighed. "What about your life in America? You're just gonna leave that?"

"What life in America? Sure, I'm this super cool hero out there, but I can do that here. There's still plenty of villains out here. Plus, it looks like you guys need the extra help. How else are we gonna get Endeavor to retire his old ass?" I watched him smile before biting his lip to stop himself, and I quietly chuckled. "Trust me. I'm not leaving behind much. My female friends feel more like competition, we only ever go out clubbing which is exhausting after a while, my male friends are only interested in sleeping with me, and my colleagues kinda hate me."

"Wow. I didn't realize you were so unlikable."

"That's not it." I frowned. "The hero industry is just different in California. Especially when you grow up with a top hero parent. That's why my colleagues hate me. Because of who my mom is... They call me a nepo baby behind my back. I admit that I tend to get the best jobs and that I almost never get into trouble even when I'm wrong, but I'm also really great at my job. It doesn't matter how hard I work or how many villains I put behind bars. They only see my mother when they look at me. Isn't it the same for you?"

"Sometimes. I noticed it a lot when I started working for my father, but it's not as often anymore... It sucks, to live in someone else's shadow."

"It does."

It was quiet for a minute before he spoke again. "I approve. You have my blessing to move here."

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate it.

In the morning, Katsuki and I were picked up by a driver and taken to the airport. We were escorted through the VIP entrance and were placed in the lounge as someone checked in for us. After about an hour, we were escorted to our plane and taken to first class. Hours had passed and we finally landed in California, where we were checked out and driven to my messy apartment.

"God. I forgot that I left it like this. Just a second." I quickly ran around to pick up and fold the piles of clothes I had left and sat down with Katsuki when I finished. He pulled me into his arms and laid his head on top of mine.

"Wanna order some food and take a nap after?"

"Sounds good, cause I'm exhausted. Pizza?"


I nodded before grabbing my phone and placing an order online from one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. We quickly got up and took turns showering before putting on our pajamas. When the tacos were delivered, we quickly ate and went to my room after digesting. I cuddled deep into his arms and we fell asleep together. We were dealing with the jet lag for a few days, but after the third day, we gained back some energy.

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