Intense Night

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When it was the following night, I got ready to head to Endeavors and grabbed a dessert tray that I made. I rang the doorbell to the old house that they all lived in and watched Endeavor greet me.

"Come in." I walked inside and made eye contact with Rei before going to greet her.

She excitedly pulled me into a hug and swayed our bodies back and forth. "Oh honey!" She yelled loudly, alerting the others. Natsuo, Haru, Fuyumi and her man, Makoto, walked out to greet me and Natsuo and Fuyumi hugged me the tightest. Rei took the tray of desserts from my hands and they all pulled me into the living room.

"It's been so long." Said Fuyumi. "How are you doing in America?"

"I'm doing great." I responded. "It really has been so long. Congratulations Natsuo and Haru on your marriage."

"Thank you." Natsuo responded. "Does this place still look the same to you?"

I looked around the room before getting up and stopping at the picture frames. "It almost looks the same, but it's livelier. There's flowers and hints of a woman's touch. There's things in here that I know only Rei would display." I grabbed the picture frame that had a picture of me and Shoto at the Christmas party, where I wore a Santa dress and where we secretly drank alcohol. It was the same picture that Rei had displayed in her hospital room. "Rei... I love this picture, but you shouldn't have it up anymore. Shoto's dating other people and they won't want to see him with his ex-girlfriend."

"Nonsense!" She yelled before getting up and walking towards me. "It's my home and I can put up what I want. Did you talk to that Momo girl? Is that why you're saying this?"

"... Maybe." I chuckled before holding onto her arm and sitting back down. I heard the front door open and I watched Shoto walk into the room. I sighed before turning back around and feeling him stand directly behind me. "Didn't think I'd see you again this soon."

"You're in my parents home." He chuckled before sitting next to me. His broad shoulders took up a lot of space and I roughly bumped his shoulder to make him move over. I was obviously still mad.

"What's going on here?" Makoto asked.

"Lovers quarrel." Haru responded.

"It's not a lovers quarrel if we're not lovers." I complained.

"If-." Shoto began saying before I quickly cut him off.

"Don't say anything stupid, Shoto."

"How would you know if it was stupid or not?"

"Was it something appropriate to say in front of everyone?"

"... No. It would've been stupid of me to say it." I nodded and we watched his parents chuckle as if we were still two kids fighting over nonsense. After a bit of small talk, we were all brought to the dining table for dinner. I was really enjoying my time with them and loved to hear how their lives changed for the better, but I knew they were holding stuff back. No one mentioned Dabi and pretended he didn't even exist.

"Wow, this pie is really delicious." Endeavor complimented.

"She was always great at baking." Fuyumi added.

I smiled as I watched everyone enjoy it. I watched Shoto grab seconds and I looked up at him before biting my lip to refrain from smiling at him. I wanted to stay mad, but I was happy to see him enjoy something I made. After eating, we sat down to continue talking until it was time to leave. We all walked out of the house except for Endeavor and Rei, and started parting ways. "Let's go." Said Shoto. "I'll drive you." I slowly got into the passenger seat of his car and he began driving. "I want to apologize about yesterday again. I brought her to the house, so I should've just let you and Bakugo sleep together. I should've taken responsibility of her, but I was focused on what I wanted."

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