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In the morning, I was feeling better. I rolled over to look at Shoto and saw him already staring at me. I moved closer and pressed my body against his. "Are you okay?" He asked while hugging me.

"... Our first day here, I told you that I couldn't be in a forest at night... That's because I get panic attacks."

"Right. I'm sorry. Can I ask why?"

"Forests at any time make me anxious. I just can't see at night and that makes my anxiety worse. The wild, wild pussycats were hurt, Katsuki was kidnapped, Midnight died and I had my last fight with Dabi. It seems like we tend to meet the worst villains in forests."

"Look at me." I pulled away to look up and felt him hold my face. "You're okay. Those times are over." He kissed my forehead and I took a deep breath.

"Despite being in that forest, I had the best time with you. I want us to do more of that, but not there."

"I understand." We eventually got up and ate breakfast together before packing and getting into his car. After stopping to buy some drinks and snacks, he started driving back to Tokyo and after a few hours, we made it back to his house. We brought our things inside and I watched him go upstairs and into his art studio.

"Sho?" I asked before going upstairs. "What are you doing?" I walked in on him setting up two painting easel's and supplies next to each other.

"I'm setting up today's activities." He smiled.

"Do you need any help?"

"I'm almost done. You should change into some pajamas so you don't get your clothes dirty." I nodded before going downstairs to change. When I went back upstairs, Shoto was already sitting in front of his canvas, but he was in his underwear with only an apron covering him.

"No way. Go put on some clothes."

"Why? I always paint like this."

"I bet you don't." I laughed. "Go before we end up not painting at all."

"What?" He smirked. "You can't control yourself when I'm like this?"

"Would you be able to?" We stared at each other and I watched him untie his apron before pulling it off. I scoffed before pulling my pajamas off and only being in my bra and panties. Somehow, we had started a competition. First to give in to sex, lost. I went to sit in front of the canvas next to his, and grabbed a paint brush. "What are we painting? I'm not very good at this."

"Anything you want."

"If you don't give me a subject, it'll just be colors on a canvas. Nothing special."

"Paint me."

"Too hard."

"Paint nature. Oh wait, no."

"No, that's good. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" I nodded and we began painting. I started with painting the whole canvas blue for the sky and moved onto the grass. "Here. Use this brush." Shoto handed me a thin, wide brush and I just stared at it until he pulled his chair behind mine. I smiled as I felt him right behind me and I moved slightly closer until my butt touched his crotch.

"What should I do with this brush?"

"Uh, it'll make the grass look more natural." He dipped the brush in green paint and put it in my hand before wrapping his hand around mine to guide it. "Gentle strokes upwards." We made the strokes together and when he let go, I felt his hands rest on my thighs. His breath soon hit my neck and I felt his lips get closer to my neck until it touched. One of his hands held my face as he began kissing my neck.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now