🦈 The Arcade 🦈

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The next day at school, news had spread about Midoriya's encounters with a dangerous villain at the mall. I was so glad that I didn't go, and even happier that I had made cookies the night before. Everyone had some and others tried hogging them all.

"Kirishima-kun!" I yelled. "You're cut off! You can't have anymore! Midoriya-kun. Please have more."

"Why does he get to have more?!" He whined. "Just because he faced a dangerous killer?!"

 "Just because he faced a dangerous killer?!"

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"Exactly! You answered your own question!"

"Y/n-san. It's okay. He can have mine." Midoriya nervously said.

"Call me y/n-chan." I suggested with a warm smile.

"Y/n-chan it is." Midoriya said, looking flustered.

I took the cookies from Kirishima and handed them to Midoriya.

"Y/n-chan. Can I have one of each?" I heard Todoroki ask.

"Of course." I said as I smiled.

I grabbed two and handed them to him. Since it was our last day of classes, we were given all day to do whatever we wanted. Most of us just talked about our summer plans and asked permission to use the school's pool during the summer. We all went home early and I had Todoroki walk me home.

"It's early. Want to come inside?" I asked, hoping he would agree.

"I'm not sure if I should today. It's been a while since I've seen my mom."

"Oh... Okay." I felt kind of sad, but I just ignored my feelings and forced a smile. "It's okay. Let me know when you can hang out with me, okay?"

"I will."

He patted my head and walked away

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He patted my head and walked away. I watched him until he wasn't in my vision anymore and I just went inside. I washed up and had a quick dinner while I watched tv. I was kind of tired of always being alone and decided to walk around the neighborhood and a few blocks further to just explore hang out spots. I grabbed my shoulder bag and left the house. I had probably walked down 10 long blocks until I noticed an arcade in a different neighborhood. I went inside and saw a bunch of kids playing games. I was honestly surprised, since arcades had become outdated. I looked around and started playing a couple games on my own. I was eventually getting bored again and turned around to leave, but bumped into someone and felt something cold hit my chest. I looked to see an ice cream cone smashed onto my chest and looked up to see Kirishima.

"Y/n-chan?! I'm so sorry!" He yelled, looking guilty

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"Y/n-chan?! I'm so sorry!" He yelled, looking guilty.


"Do you need my help to remove the ice cream?"

"No. It's okay." I chuckled.

I froze the ice cream solid and pulled it off of my chest.

"That ice of yours really is useful." He said as he nervously smiled. "Is the ice cream still edible?"

"You still want the ice cream?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Even after it's been in between my breasts?"

"Nevermind. You can have it." He said, looking as red as a tomato.

" He said, looking as red as a tomato

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"Come on. Let me buy you another one." I said while laughing.

He followed me and I threw away the smashed cone. I made him lead me to the ice cream shop, since I've never been in that neighborhood before and I bought us both ice cream. Instead of leaving, we sat at a table to eat together.

"I've never seen you in this neighborhood before. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm lonely. My house is like 10 blocks away, but I'm always home alone and have no one to hang out with."

"Well lucky for you, I'm fun to hang out with and I can definitely spare some time for one of the coolest girls in school." He said while flashing me a warm smile.

"Is that supposed to be me? I'm that cool girl?" I teased.

He nodded and I just smiled.

"Hang out with me tomorrow. I will definitely beat you at all of the arcade games." He teased.

"I don't doubt it. You're really cool, so I bet you're the best at all video games." I admitted.

"... Let me walk you home. It's getting dark." He said, giving me another warm smile.

I nodded and we left the ice cream shop. We were in no rush and just walked towards my place.

"I didn't really get to talk to you today. What will you be doing all summer?" I asked him.

"I'll be doing what I usually do. Gaming and training."

"Do you think you can add me into that list? I'll bake you a bunch of cookies."

"Really?!" He asked excitedly.

I nodded and he vigorously nodded back.

"I would've hung out with you for free, but you've already put cookies on the table and now you can't take it back." He smiled.

I laughed and we soon got to my place. I thanked him and he waited for me to go inside before he left.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now