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In the morning, we got ready and went to the hospital towards the beginning of visitations. We signed in and walked to the room before seeing that my father and her parents were already here. I looked at Y/n and I noticed her face become pale once we made eye contact. "You're all here." Ice Queen said with a look of guilt on her face. "We were just about to leave. She's not really ready for visitors."

"Oh, can we at least get five minutes with her?" I watched Y/n shake her head no before turning to look away from us. "Y/n, please." I walked up to her and held her face in my hands. "We just want to check up on you." She looked sad and before I knew it, she harshly head-butted me. "Ah!" I yelled before stumbling back.

"Y/n! Why would you do that?!" Her father yelled. I looked back up at her to make eye contact and when I took another step towards her, she began heavily panting before screaming and crying. She began pulling on her restraints again before nurses ran in and pushed us all out the room. I watched them hold her down before putting her to sleep again. I looked through the window into the room, feeling my salt-water tears burn my eyes until I felt my fathers hand on my shoulder.

"You can all understand that she's not ready to see anyone, right?" He asked. "She's been through something traumatic and doesn't have the emotional or mental capacity to be around anyone right now. One of the worst things that can happen to someone, happened to her."

"When do you think we can see her?" Asked Yaoyorozu.

"I'm not sure... Hopefully soon."

We were sent back home and the next day, I decided to come alone without informing anyone. I bought a bouquet of flowers and cautiously walked to her room in hopes that no one was around. I looked inside to see that no one was there besides her and she was just eating. When I walked in and we made eye contact, her face went pale again. I closed the door and closed the curtain before just standing by the door. "I'm sorry for coming in when you've already made it clear that you didn't want to see me. It's my fault that you were taken in the first place. I'm just glad to see you again. I was scared that I would never see you again and I'm sorry about everything... I regret ever putting you in this fucked up position." I slowly walked closer to put the flowers on the table, but I cautiously watched for a reaction. "Please don't freak out again." I put the flowers down and back up before feeling my eyes tear up. "I'm so sorry." I began crying. "If only we never dated. This would've never happened to you." I watched her bite her lip before beginning to cry. I took another step back in anticipation of another meltdown.

"Sh-sho-to." She said with a cracked voice. I was about to walk closer until she stopped me. "No!" She yelled. "... You're right. This happened because I dated you." My stomach immediately dropped, not expecting her to agree. "But it's not your fault. All you ever did was be born. Don't be sorry."

"Can I-."

"Please don't touch me... I just don't enjoy being touched right now."

"Is that why you head-butted me?"

"Yea... Sorry about that."

"You hadn't said a word to me since before the incident. I didn't know if you could speak anymore."

"I-I just... I don't want to speak. I was punished for it and it makes me nervous... Please leave."

"What? I just got here."

"Shoto! Get out!" I nodded before walking out and leaving. The next day, I was told she was released from the hospital and sent home, so I bought her a gift before going to her house. I rang the doorbell and was surprised to see her answering the door. "A teddy bear? Really?" I tried handing it to her, but once she took it, it burst into flames.

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