❄️ Training! 🔥

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The next day, Endeavor's secretary called to inform me that Endeavor had to go take care of urgent business and had to leave without me. I was given the day off and changed into my school uniform, so that I'd at least do something. I ran to school because everyone had left about an hour before. I walked into the classroom and Present Mic who was in charge of teaching English, looked at me with confusion.

"YO! WHY AREN'T YOU AT YOUR WORK STUDY?!!!" Present Mic shouted in question.

"I'm sorry, sir." I responded. "Endeavor had to handle some urgent business and I just received a call, telling me that I'd be given the day off... So I came here."


I bowed before running to my seat and sitting down. After a few hours, it was lunchtime and I quickly packed my stuff.

"Why are you so frantic today?" Shoto asked. "You've been fidgeting a lot."

I looked at Shoto and saw bandages all over his face. I gasped and pulled his face closer. "What happened to you?!"

"The hero provisional license training is hard, but I'm okay

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"The hero provisional license training is hard, but I'm okay."

I looked him up and down and sighed before pulling him in for a hug.

"Really. Are you okay? Did something happen with my dad yesterday?"

"Not really. Maybe I'm just on edge with my mom being around again. I've told you how much I love you, right?"

He chuckled and brushed my hair back. "It wouldn't hurt to tell me more often."

I felt myself smile before pulling away and holding his hand. We walked to lunch together and everyone began asking how it was to work with Endeavor.

"It went pretty well." I said. "We stopped a bank robbery together... Well, I stopped it while he watched."

"You had to do it yourself?!" Kaminari yelled in shock.

"Yea. He trusted me to do what I needed to do. I got the bad guys and no one was hurt on my watch."

"Aw. I'm so jealous." Hagakure whined.

Shoto held my hand, making me look at him. "Did anything else happen?"

"No. He just took me out to eat." I said in a reassuring tone.

"What does the new number one hero eat?" Sero asked.

"Expensive food. He took me to a fancy restaurant and told me to order whatever I wanted. I ate lobster and he ate steak. I'm pretty sure I saw someone order caviar."

"Whoa! I want to work with Endeavor too!" Ashido yelled.

"Whoa! I want to work with Endeavor too!" Ashido yelled

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(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now