❄️Family Dinner pt2🔥

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"Hey... What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Endeavor invited us." Answered my father. I awkwardly sat on one side of the table, next to my mother, while Shoto sat on the opposite side, next to his brother Natsuo.

"Dinner should be ready soon." Said Fuyumi while getting up and walking inside.

"Hi Natsuo-kun." I greeted him. "Nice seeing you again."

"Nice seeing you too." He responded. "I'm glad that you're safe."

"Thank you. How's-"

"Sorry for the wait." Said Endeavor. He walked out of the house with Fuyumi and they were both holding a few bowls and plates of food. They put them on the table and we all took what we wanted before eating. "So, how did you two meet?" He asked my parents.

"We met in middle school." Responded my mother. "We were in the same year, but different classes. Every year, we had a field day where all of the classes would compete against each other and I couldn't help but notice how good he was at sports."

My father laughed and I rolled my eyes in silence. "I was great at sports, but she was a bit of a cheater." Said my father. "During the race, she froze my feet to the ground to get a head start, and she did get one, for like 3 seconds and then I melted the ice before running and passing her."

"And of course he won." She laughed. "But he asked me out on a date right after and our relationship started from there."

"That's so cute." Said Fuyumi.

"I guess." I mumbled.

"What was that?" My mother asked as she turned to look at me

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"What was that?" My mother asked as she turned to look at me.


She turned back around to look at Endeavor and smiled at him. "I have to say that all of your children are so beautiful, Endeavor. You have a beautiful family."

"Thank you." He smiled proudly. "You have a beautiful daughter as well. From the work-study, I learned that she's also very smart and talented. You should be proud."

"Thank you! She gets it from me." She laughed, causing me to grit my teeth in irritation.

"Is that a joke?" I asked as I glared at her. "Tell me. What exactly did I get from you? Besides half of my looks and quirk."

"Y/n." Said my father. "Let's not do this here."

"Why do you always need to start an argument or make people uncomfortable?" She said to me.

I scoffed and backed away. "Why do you always try to make yourself look good? You're a shitty mother. It's okay to admit it."

"Y/n, I'm trying!" She yelled. "You haven't realized it yet, but I'm trying to be your mother! I'm making an effort?!"

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now