California pt.2

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In the morning, I woke up early to make breakfast while Katsuki was asleep. Once I was done, I set up a bed tray and brought it to him in bed. "Wakey wakey." I said semi-quietly. I listened to him groan and I put the tray on my night stand before getting back into bed with him. "I made you breakfast. Don't you smell it?" He hummed in response and continued to keep his eyes closed. "If you don't wake up, I'll be forced to do something super gross." I waited a minute for a response and quickly straddled him before shoving my tongue into his mouth. Before I could pull away, he pulled me close and began tongue kissing me. I could taste his gross morning breath and kept fighting him until he pulled away.

"Sucks for you. I enjoy being woken up like that." I quietly got up and went to the bathroom to gargle mouthwash before going back. Katsuki was already sitting down and waiting for his breakfast, so I handed him the tray. "Where's yours?" I quickly left to grab mine and I sat next to him in bed before beginning to eat.

"Excited for today?" I asked. "I admit that L.A isn't that beautiful to me, but it's pretty cool."

"I'm excited to spend time with you." I softly smiled and kissed his lips before continuing to eat. "What was that for?"

"I appreciate you, especially for what you did yesterday. I couldn't stand up for myself because I did hurt him and I think that I deserved his anger."

"Maybe you deserved his anger, but you didn't deserve the way he spoke to you."

After eating, we changed into outdoor clothes and prepared bags of food and water. I drove to the start of the hiking trail and we started hiking up pretty slowly.

"Could you go any slower?" He complained.

"I could. Do you want me to?" I teased.

"No! Walk faster!" I laughed before picking up the pace and after a while, we took a break for water and pictures.

"Katsuki, you're a horrible photographer."

"Then get someone else to take them."

"There's no one here but us."

"Then that's too fucking bad."

"You're so grouchy. You should really touch yourself when we get back."

"Huh?" He growled. "What are you saying?"

"That you're grumpy because you're sexually frustrated. You're usually nicer when we're having sex." I watched him huff before turning to continue walking and I smiled before grabbing his hand. We continued walking until we reached the back of the Hollywood sign and I looked around before sneaking us closer. No one was supposed to be this close, but I've never been caught before. We sat in between two of the letters and looked at the view of Los Angeles in awe. "I love cities from afar. I get the best view with none of the noise." I looked at him, but he remained quiet. "What? Is something wrong?"

"Just thinking." He responded.

"About something that upsets you? Is that why you've been grumpy?"

"What if I am?!" He yelled while looking more sad than mad.

"What's this about?"

"... I know that you need space to heal and be yourself again, but I can't help but be a little upset. I like you, but I don't want to."

"Katsuki, you're the one that offered to just be my friend. Now you can't do it?"

"I can for now, but I'll need something more later on. Whether it be us being together or you clearly rejecting me. I feel like I'm in limbo."

"I'm sorry."

"... God, I hate this!" He quickly grabbed onto his hair and pulled in frustration.

I moved closer towards him and held his arm to make him look at me. "How can I make you feel better?"

"You can't." He huffed.

"I can't?" I held his face to make him look at me and I soon leaned in to kiss him.

"Stop. You can't keep kissing me if you don't want to be with me."

"I still want to be with you, Katsuki. I never stopped." The kiss went deeper and I moaned before being pulled onto his lap. "Okay, let's stop now." I pulled my face away, but stayed in his arms. "I still like you, but I'm just a little overwhelmed right now." He nodded and I got off of his lap before taking out the food from our bags.

We later went back to my place to shower and change into nicer clothes. We went out to eat dinner and when the sun began to set, we drove to the observatory. "There's a lot of people here."

"Put this on." I handed him a face mask and put one on before parking and getting out. We walked into the lobby and paid for tickets. We walked into the observatory and sat down while we waited for the show to start. When it did, we laid back and looked up in awe as we saw the globe fill with beautiful colors and stars. I turned to look at Katsuki and smiled before holding his hand. He turned to look at me before holding my hand tighter and looking back up.

After the show ended, we took a walk through the nearby park and looked at the distant city lights. "I can't understand why you wouldn't find this beautiful."

"Probably because I was born and raised here. I don't find it that special anymore."

He silently walked up to me and pulled my mask off. I watched him take a few steps back before pulling out his phone and taking a picture. "Pose." I quickly struck a pose and watched him take a few pictures before stopping. "Look." He walked up to me and showed me a picture of myself with the city behind me.

"Look at that." I smiled. "You're getting better."

"Shut up." He scoffed.

Throughout the week, I had as much fun with Katsuki as possible, but he had to go home and I had to start packing.

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