Dr. Todoroki

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In the morning, I woke up to meet with Shoto, but I stared at Katsuki before getting out of bed. I definitely had some romantic feelings for him, but I couldn't forget about Shoto. I really liked both of them. I listened to Katsuki groan before turning around and I quietly got up and left. I changed into casual clothes and brushed my teeth before eating a quick breakfast while I waited for Shoto. When I got his text, I went downstairs and got into his car. "Ready?" He asked before kissing me. I nodded and he drove to the hospital. When we got inside, he led me to the check-in desk and a nurse led us into a private room.

"There's a bathroom in the hall." Said the nurse. "I'm gonna ask you two to pee in the cup that has your name on it and leave it on the desk right outside. The doctor will be in shortly."

I grabbed my cup first and went to pee in it and when I came back, Shoto went. When he came in, he sat next to me and held my hand. I watched him kiss it and I smiled before laying my head on his shoulder. "Well, well, well." Said Natsuo as he walked in. He closed the door and stood in front of us with a smirk on his face. "I knew that I still felt a spark between you two, but you're having unprotected sex?"

"We're not here for a lecture." Shoto sighed.

"You wanted a free doctor, so here I am. I'll be checking the pee samples for STD's, STI's and pregnancy."

"Pregnancy?" I asked.

"You are having unprotected sex, right?"

"Yea." I said while sinking into my seat.

"Are you on birth control?"


"Which one?"

"The implant."

"That's a great one, but it isn't 100%. I'll check just to be safe... Make sure to use condoms, guys. Especially if you're sleeping with other people. I shouldn't have to tell you that."

"We understand."

"... If you wanna have unprotected sex so badly, then get married. Commit to each other, but wait for the results first... You can leave now."

"When do we get the results?"

"I'll expedite the testing and I'll text you in an hour."

Shoto and I got up to leave and we got back in his car. "Are you nervous about something?" Shoto asked me.

"A little." I responded. "I've only had unprotected sex with you, so I really hope that we're both clean... I was being stupid and tried doing it with Katsuki. I would hate myself if I passed anything to him. I'm just lucky that he's smart."

"Oh... Well you have nothing to worry about. I promise."

"Then that's great... Can you drive me back to Katsuki's?"

"Yea, I should be getting ready for work soon too." He turned on the car before driving to Katsuki's building and parking nearby. "Are you upset with me?"

"What? No, I'm not... Why do you ask?"

He turned to face me and grabbed my hand. "You left early yesterday and you seem to be in a rush to leave me now... Are you not interested anymore?"

"I am... but if I'm being honest, I really care about Katsuki. I just want to be there for him when he needs me."

"What about when I need you?"

"... Shoto, but I'm with him right now. I need to prioritize him unless I decide to leave him. I like you both, but I need to deal with my issues just like you. Neither of us are ready for something serious, but I'm trying to work towards it with someone who is."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now