❄️ Sporting Festival! 🔥

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I spent most of my time studying the heroes in Japan. I had realized that whenever my classmates would talk about a hero, I would have no idea who they were talking about.

"Todoroki's father is the hero Endeavor. Do you know who he is?" Uraraka asked me.

"Uhm. Number 2 hero slash Flame hero Endeavor." I replied.

"He seems really scary and intimidating. Is your mom or dad the same way?"

"My dad has the fire quirk, but he's not scary at all. He's like a giant teddy bear." I laughed. "My mom on the other hand is the opposite. I guess her ice quirk kind of makes her cold... she's not a part of my life anymore."

"I'm sorry for asking. It must be a touchy subject."

"No! It's totally okay! I don't mind talking about it!" I yelled while waving my hands in panic

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"No! It's totally okay! I don't mind talking about it!" I yelled while waving my hands in panic.

We kept talking at lunch and I couldn't help but notice Todoroki quietly eating. He didn't talk much, but I really wished he would at least talk to me. Days later, Mr. Aizawa walked into class and announced the biggest hero sporting festival was approaching. It was specifically for first year U.A students to show off their quirks and to get scouted. I was pretty jealous because I had opted out of it. I was new and I felt like I was behind on my training compared to the rest of class. I didn't really know what they could all do. How could I compete? After class, I made my way to the cafeteria and noticed Todoroki walking in front of me. I quickly sped up and grabbed his hand, but his hand quickly got cold. As a reaction, I heated my hand which made both of our hands equally warm. He turned to look at me and I let go of him.

"I'm sorry. I sometimes forget that I can't just touch people here." I nervously said.

"What is it? Do you need help with something?"

"No. I was hoping I could sit next to you at lunch."

"If there's a seat open next to me." He said as he walked away.

I quietly accepted my defeat. He's just not into me. After that day, everyone was training for the festival really hard and I figured I could train even if I wasn't competing. I wanted to be a great hero and compete with the others although I wasn't sure how good they actually were. I went out for a jog and noticed Todoroki walking in the opposite direction with sweat dripping down his body. We made eye contact and I slowly stopped.

"Hey. Were you training too?" I asked as I flashed a warm smile.

"Yea. I thought you weren't competing." He replied in an uninterested tone, while wiping his sweaty forehead.

"I'm not, but that doesn't mean I should be slacking. I don't know how strong everyone is yet, but I want to be ready for when I find out... Do you want to spar with me? It's great practice for you and I get to find out how strong you are."

"No thanks. I just finished my training for the day." He said as he walked away.

"But it's... early." I mumbled.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now