Hiking Trail

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In the morning, I began waking up and cuddled deeper into Katsuki's chest until he woke up. I felt his hand on my hip and soon felt him quickly sit up. "What?" I groaned.

"You're really bruised. Shit, I'm sorry." I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the hand-shaped bruise on my hip.

"Don't be sorry. It doesn't hurt and it felt really good to make."

"So, you're a masochist?"

"I think so."

He continued rubbing it and I watched him bend down to kiss it. "And you wouldn't mind making more?"

I smiled before turning onto my back and putting my hand on his head. "I would be thrilled to make more... but I thought you had work."

He looked at his clock and turned back around before smirking. "I think we have plenty of time." He quickly crawled on top of me before starting our morning session which left me covered in bruises and bite marks. I later watched him get dressed and leave for work.

A few days passed and I had already booked my flight back home. Mina planned another hangout, but it was during the early morning for a hike. I've hiked once or twice, so I knew what it was like and how to dress. I put on a T-shirt and shorts before fixing my hair into a braided bun. Katsuki packed our bags and I put on sneakers before leaving. "You're gonna hurt your ankles with those, dumbass."

"You're more concerned about my ankles than the bruises I have on full display?"

"What's there to be concerned about? They're already fainting. Who's gonna notice?"

He rushed me into the car and started driving before making a stop. "Did you need to buy something?"

"Come on." He got out of the car and I followed him into the mall. Everyone was staring at us and taking pictures. I didn't even know if they knew who I was, but they sure as hell knew him. He held my hand before pulling me into this store and putting me in front of all of the hiking boots. "Pick one. I'll buy it for you." I picked a dark brown one and watched him request one in my size. "Take a seat." I sat down as he unboxed the boots and he took off one of my sneakers before putting the boot on my foot. I heard a crowd of fans scream and I laughed before biting my lip. "What's so funny?"

"Your fans reacting to this Cinderella moment."

"How does the shoe feel? It fits?"

"Yea. It does."

"Wait right here. I'll go buy them." I patiently sat there as I waited for him to come back and when he did, I changed into the boots before putting my sneakers in the bag. He held my hand again as we walked towards the exit, where all the fans stood. I kept hearing them scream Katsuki's hero name until I heard mine.

"Cold Sun!" I quickly looked at a group of middle school girls who stared at me and smiled.

"Oh, you guys know who I am?" I asked.

"Of course we do!" One of the girls yelled. "You're so cool!"

"Can we get a picture?" Another girl asked. I smiled before nodding and posing for pictures with them before Katsuki joined in. "Dynamight!" They yelled even more excitedly. "We love you!" Oh, he's their celebrity crush. Of course.

"We need to go." Katsuki said before pulling me away. We waved at everyone before walking away and out of the mall. We got in his car and he continued driving. "Reminds me of America, but you were the big celebrity that time."

"Yea... Aren't you worried?" I asked. "Those pictures and videos are gonna go viral and it'll be our next scandal together."

"I don't care. Let them think whatever they want. It'll just bring us more fans and sponsorships."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now