❄️ School Festival! 🔥

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Days had passed and our training with my mom was going pretty well. We were getting along most of the time and she taught Shoto and I new tricks. During one of the training sessions, she started teaching us to shape the ice. We were pretty bad at it and slow, so we couldn't use it during a fight, but it was fun.

"Babe, what did you make?" Shoto asked.

"Uh. I kinda made an axe, but it looks funny." I responded. "What did you make?"

"A sword." He raised the sword in the air and I quickly ran over to him.

"Good job, babe! It looks great!"

"Thanks. It's not an effective weapon, because the edges are blunt... It looks more like a kids toy."

"You're right, Shoto." My mom interrupted. "But that's why you'll keep practicing and you'll eventually get your desired outcome."

On the day of Bakugo and Shoto's provisional license training course, I woke up early to make them breakfast. I was only planning on making some for my man, but I made some for Bakugo out of the kindness of my heart. They quickly ate, then left and I waited hours for them to come back. Once I saw Shoto walk through the door, I ran towards him and pulled him towards the couch.

"Tell me everything. I'm dying to know." I said eagerly.

He chuckled and held my hands in his

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He chuckled and held my hands in his. "We battled a bunch of elementary school kids. We were supposed to win their hearts, but they used their quirks to attack us. Then Bakugo suggested that we use our quirks to get them to have fun, so I helped build this giant ice slide with rings of fire and a beautiful aurora."

"What?! Man, I wish I was there!" I whined while throwing myself onto his lap. I looked at him to see him slightly smiling. "What's on your mind? Did something else happen?"

"Nothing you need to worry about."


"My father showed up to encourage me, I guess. At the end, he suddenly tried acting like a good dad, but I pushed him away... He said he was proud of me and wanted to make me proud of him. He wants to become a good hero."

"Will that make you forgive him? I know that he really loves you. He kept bringing you up when I worked with him."

"Did he?"

"Did he?"

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(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now