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After we were discharged, we went home for the weekend before being brought back to the dorms. "How's the chicken?" My dad asked as we were eating at the dinner table with my mom.

"It's good." I answered. It was awkwardly silent for a minute before my mom spoke.

"Y/n... How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay."

"We were thinking about pulling you out of school for a bit. Just for a short break."

I quietly stared at my fork before putting it down. "... I would love to, but I can't."

"I can speak to your principal about it and I know there's a travel restriction in place, but I can make sure we get to America and back. Who's gonna say no to me?"

"Mom, be honest. You want to take me to America, but you don't plan on bringing me back."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" My dad added. "You have a target on your back. Dabi wants to kill you... You've never been in more danger."

"I don't want to leave my friends during this. They need me and I need them."

"No, you need us! Your parents! You just won't listen to us because of Shoto! You've been stubborn all this time, but I need you to think clearly for once! You are not safe here... You can be a hero in America."

"... Do you not believe in me? We've been through this so many times. Don't you have faith in my abilities?"

"This has nothing to do with my faith in you and you know that... Everything's changing and ever since you joined U.A, you haven't been around. I'm not a hero. I know I can't protect you the way your class can, but I don't want to keep thinking about whether they'll be strong enough. They're children, just like you. You shouldn't be putting your life on the line like this. Not when you're this young."

"This is my choice to make, like it was mom's. It's my right."

"As a parent, it's my right to pull you out of school and take you away."


"Honey." My mom interrupted. "Don't be so harsh. It is her choice in the end."

"You don't get a say in this!" He yelled at her. "I've been the one raising her since you abandoned us! I get to make these big decisions for us! Not you!"

"Dad!" I yelled again. "What is with you?! You decided to allow her back into our lives and have constantly told me to be nice and here you are, yelling at her!"

I watched as he began huffing to calm himself down, but watched as his rage melted into sadness. Tears flooded his eyes and he buried his head in his hands. "I can't lose you, y/n. Please think this through." He looked up at me, making me feel guilty. "It would be different if it was just Dabi, but he has a lot of other villains and Nomu's in his corner. Can you understand why I'm worried?"

"... I do."

"I need you to take the week and think carefully about this. Be a responsible adult and only think of yourself. Think of the pros and cons of leaving, then I'll let you decide our next move. I trust that you'll make the right choice... Deal?" I nodded in response and watched as he apologized to my mom.

The weekend was coming to an end, it was finally time to move back into the dorms and my parents drove me to the gates before helping me out. "Let us know soon, okay?" I nodded in agreement with my mom and soon felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at Shoto and hugged my parents before walking away.

I walked hand in hand with Shoto as we walked towards the dorm. "Did you wait long?" I asked.

"No." He responded. "I got here a minute before you did. How do you feel?"

"I'm okay. What about you?"

"I'm okay."

"I've seen and heard from everyone except for Midoriya. Have you?"

"I haven't. My dad isn't responding either."

"I'm getting worried."

"You have bigger things to worry about."

My stomach immediately sank. He was right. His brother wants to murder me. When we got to the dorm, I went straight to my room and threw myself in bed. I soon heard a knock on my door and opened in to see Kirishima. "Hey." He smiled with pity. "I noticed you didn't pick up your mail and I just wanted to give it to you."

"Thank you." I smiled back and took the envelopes from him. "How are you doing?"

"I've been better. And you?"

"I've also been better."

"... I should get going. I'm glad to see that you're doing okay."

"Yea. Same here." He turned to walk away and I closed the door. I sat in bed again and looked through my mail to see a large yellow envelope with no return address. I opened it and unfolded a letter to see 'I'm coming for you - D' written in marker. My stomach sank again, making me feel like I was about to throw up. I reached into the envelope and pulled out a small plush keychain that looked exactly like the Dabi plush he first gave me. My eyes flooded with tears before running to Shoto's room. I knocked on the door and when he opened it, I handed him the letter and keychain. He looked at them before looking back up at me. He looked worried and guilty and grabbed my hand before pulling me inside.

"Where'd you get this?" He asked as he locked the door and pulled me to his bed.

"It came in the mail."

"... I'm sorry. This is all my fault."

"You know that it's not."

"... Come." He grabbed my hand before pulling me to the fourth floor and towards Bakugo's room. He knocked on the door and we waited until Bakugo opened it.

"What do you want?" Bakugo growled.

"You were there when Dabi revealed himself as my brother."


"He said he would kill Y/n. Did you hear that part too?" Bakugo remained silent as he looked at the letter and keychain Shoto handed him. He sighed and looked up at me.

"He's not laying a hand on you! Do you understand me?!" I nodded in response and he huffed. "I'm serious. If you stay around the two of us, we'll protect you from him and whatever shithead he sends in his place."

"Where's Midoriya? Have you spoken to him?"

"No. I've called and texted, but he hasn't responded."

"Then try All Might."

"I've already tried reaching him and Best Jeanist, idiot."

"I wonder why we haven't heard from them."

"Beats me. Now get lost. I'm busy." He closed the door in our faces and I turned to look at Shoto before pouting.

He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his hips before taking me back to his room. We laid in bed together and I felt his thumb softly rub my cheek. "I love you, Shoto."

He stared into my eyes before smiling. "I love you too... but why do you look sad?" I stayed quiet and pulled him into my arms before hugging him tight. "What's wrong? Are you worried about Dabi?"

"My parents are making me choose between staying here and going back to America."


"At least until this all blows over."

"... I think you should go."

I sat up and stared at him in disbelief. "How could you even say that?"

"I'll obviously miss you, but now that you're a target, I don't want you going anywhere in Japan if it's outside of U.A or out of my reach. America for a month doesn't sound too bad."

"For a month? You really think I'd be able to move back in that short amount of time?"

"Then no longer than a year. We can survive it and both of our parents are top heroes. We have the money to take vacations to each other."

"... I'll think about it."

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