❄️The End!🔥

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In the morning, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my left hand to see the beautiful silver engagement ring. It had multiple diamonds and the band had a unique design that made it look like they intertwined. "You like it?" I heard Shoto ask.

"It's my dream engagement ring. There's no way you picked this out without help."

"You're right. Fuyumi helped me. That's why I kept meeting up with them without you."

"It's amazing... You're amazing, my fiance." I smiled up at him and watched him smile before hugging me tight.

"I'm so glad that I got your opinion before proposing. I'm a genius for talking about marriage before the ceremony."

"Wait... You planted that in my head on purpose?" I quickly sat up as I watched him smile. "You manipulative jerk. You had me going crazy."

"I know." He laughed. I grabbed his hands before sitting on him and looking at the ring on his hand.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Oh. You mean this old thing? It's my half of our promise rings."

"I knew it." I smiled. "You should've told me that you were gonna wear it. I still have mine and the necklace, you know. I would've worn it."

"No way. It would clash with your new bling."

"True... before we get married, we should probably go over your spending habits."

"What's wrong with my spending habits?"

"You bought land and built an expensive house, you have a pretty expensive car, you paid a lot of money during the hero auction and you bought me this expensive looking engagement ring."

"Okay, I get your point, but the first three are necessities and the other two were investments."

"The auction money and ring are investments?"

He smiled innocently before nodding. "How was I supposed to secure a future with you?"

I slowly smiled before scoffing in amusement. "Fine. I'll let it all slide, but if I'm gonna be your wife, you'll need to run financial decisions by me first."

"As long as you do the same."

"Deal. Although, I have more self control than you."

"Is that a joke?" He chuckled. "You have your expensive condo, and new expensive car. You have a closet full of designer clothes, shoes, bags, accessories-."

"O-okay. I see your point. We'll run financial decisions by each other... but you can't take away my shopping! It's called retail therapy!"

I threw myself into his arms and listened to him laugh. "We'll go over it later."

After we got up, we got dressed and headed downstairs for the newlyweds farewell breakfast. Once we entered, everyone began clapping and Shoto victoriously raised our hands in the air. We took our seats and talked to Fuyumi and Makoto about their honeymoon. They were planning to visit Hawaii and booked a suite for two weeks. I was excited for them. I was even slightly jealous. After breakfast, they rushed to the airport and everyone began checking out. Shoto and I went back to his house, where he carried me inside and into his room.

"Wait here." He said before rushing out and into his art studio. After a few minutes of waiting, I heard him go silent. "Come in!" I got up and walked into his studio to see paintings that I've never seen, all over his walls and the floor. He stood in the middle of the room with a large canvas, covered by a sheet. As I looked around, I noticed that most of he paintings were gruesome or felt dark. My stomach slowly turned at the thought of how dark his mind had to be to paint them. "These were all of the paintings I made after you left and during the start of my therapy. I didn't want to show them to you, because I didn't want to scare you off. Some of them are about you... The times you were hurt because of me or how I felt when you left me. I'm only showing you them, because you should know who you're marrying. I'm never gonna be the same Shoto that you first met. I will always have some darkness in me from our first year. I just hope you're okay with all of this."

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