❄️ Beach Day! 🔥

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After a few days, we were really spending time together and got back to being close and loving. We decided to go to the beach and I got ready before he picked me up. We took the bus to the beach and once we got off, I started running towards the water with him chasing me. Once he caught up, he tackled me into the sand and we rolled around until he pinned me down.

"Todoroki! This is so unfair!" I yelled although I was feeling incredibly happy.

I pushed him off and started stripping, which made him visibly panic.


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"Whoa. W-What are you doing?" He stuttered as he covered his eyes.

"I have a bathing suit underneath, silly."

I laughed and finished stripping. He looked at me and I could see him blush.

"What? Do you like my bikini?" I smugly asked.

He stayed silent as if he couldn't speak and I helped him up. I started unbuttoning his shirt and he quickly stopped me.

"Y/n..." he mumbled.

"What? Aren't you gonna swim with me?" I asked.

He looked so flustered and let go of my hands.

What did he think I was trying to do?

I continued unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it off of him. I smiled before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the water. It was cold, but we were used to cold temperatures. I tackled him into the water and we went under. Once we swam back up, without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips. I felt his hand holding me up from my thighs and that's when I realized how close we actually were. I looked into his eyes and watched his face inch closer towards mine. Our lips were so close to touching until a large wave knocked us into the water. I got off of him and snapped out of whatever trance we were in. After a few hours, he took me home so that I could wash up. After I did, we went to his place and I sat in the kitchen with his sister while he showered.

"I know that I shouldn't be in your business again, but I really think he likes you a lot. He's trying his best to win you over." Fuyumi said.

"What do you mean?" I said, feeling confused.

"He's been practicing how to cook. I think since you excel in baking and cooking, he might want to impress you with a dish of his own. I've tried them and they aren't great, but he's getting there."

I suddenly felt happy again. "That means a lot to me."

I heard footsteps and Todoroki quickly walked into the kitchen. He sat at the table with us and glared at his sister.

 He sat at the table with us and glared at his sister

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(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now