❄️ Fuyumi! 🔥

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After the weekend, I got to class and stood around with my classmates. We were talking about our exams and how not everyone had passed the physical section.

"Even if you didn't pass your physical section, you all did really amazing." I said.

"You're just saying that

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"You're just saying that. You did really amazing. No one expected such power from you." Kaminari commented.

"He's right. I fell asleep during mine. You helped end your fight in a matter of seconds." Sero whined.

"Thank you guys. You'll see a lot more from me. I promise." I happily stated.

"You seem really powerful. We should definitely battle some time." Bakugo unexpectedly suggested.

I stayed silent because I just didn't know how to respond to him and it visibly made him upset.

"Why the hell do you talk to everyone in this class except for me? Did I do something to you?! What's your problem?!" He yelled at me, looking angry as usual.

"Why the hell do you talk to everyone in this class except for me? Did I do something to you?! What's your problem?!" He yelled at me, looking angry as usual

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"I don't talk to you because you scare me."


"You attend a hero school, but to me, you're more of a villain. You're aggressive, always angry and dangerous. I don't know what your problem is with Midoriya-kun, but he doesn't deserve the way you treat him. Your anger is frightening and I'm always scared of being near you, because I feel like you could attack anyone at any time. You're unpredictable and always mention killing someone. We don't attend hero school to learn how to murder others, but it seems like you do."

Right then, Mr. Aizawa walked in and everyone rushed to their seats. He announced that everyone passed most of the test and we would all be attending hero training camp. All the sad people became happy and even happier when the teacher announced we'd have another day off because of the exams. One of the students suggested we should go to the mall and I was up for it until Todoroki refused, so he could go visit his mom. Everyone rushed home to change into casual clothes for the mall, but I took my time walking with Todoroki.

"I don't want to part ways yet. How about I escort you to your moms house and I leave from there?" I asked as I pouted.

"No. You should head home. I'll see you tomorrow."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now