❄️ Cold Sun! 🔥

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The next morning, I got dressed and went with some other students to the school. The people that we were meeting were in separate classrooms and I was led into one that had Endeavor and the lady from Fuyuko. I went inside and immediately saw Endeavor standing across the room, but when I walked in, I felt a cold presence and the door closed behind me. I quickly turned around and my stomach dropped.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling surprised and slightly annoyed.

"Y/n, darling." She said in her usual cold tone. "I'm from Fuyuko agency. I'm here for you."

"I don't care who you are, but get in line." Endeavor growled. "I was here first."

"I'm her mother

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"I'm her mother. She's mine."

"I'm not an item." I sternly said. "Grab your seats and take turns talking to me." I sat down and they both sat in front of me, with anger in their eyes as they looked at each other. "Endeavor. I'd like you to begin."

"I heard about the work study and I'd like to employ you." He began saying. "I'll show you what it is to be a true hero. I am the number one hero in Japan, after all."

"You understand that I can't replace your son, right? I may have the same quirks, but I'm a different person."

"I'm not an idiot. I'm not trying to replace Shoto. I want him too, once he gets his license. We'd be the most powerful agency in the world with you and him by my side."

I suddenly heard my mom scoff and I turned to look at her. "Who is this guy and who's Shoto?"

"I am her future father in law and Shoto is my son." Endeavor responded in an annoyed tone.

I sighed and began talking to explain further. "Shoto and I have the same quirks and he's my boyfriend. Please stop calling me your future daughter in law. Shoto and I are way too young to be talking about marriage and I refuse to have a quirk marriage."

"I refuse to let you turn me down. You just need to be persuaded."

My mom slammed her hands on the table in front of her and stared angrily at Endeavor. "If she refused, she doesn't need you to do anything! Plain and simple, meathead!"

"What did you call me?!"

"What did you call me?!"

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(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now