Family Game Night

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The very next night during game night, I rushed over to Endeavors house and looked around to see if Shoto was there yet. "What's going on? Are you looking for Shoto?" Natsuo asked.

"Yes. I might be fighting him tonight." I briefly explained why before going outside to stand by the entrance.

"Y/n, is this really a good idea?" Fuyumi asked.

"It's a great idea." Endeavor responded for me. "Bringing his new girlfriend without anyone's permission is disrespectful. He deserves a good beating and she's the perfect person to do it."

"I understand that it's disrespectful, but fighting shouldn't be the answer. Try reasoning with him." Said Rei.

"I already tried that." I answered. "He completely disregarded my opinions and wouldn't listen to reason."

"Oh, then go for it. Just don't go overboard." We soon saw Makoto and his family approach and filled them in while we waited. I could see Shoto's car in the distance and we all watched him park before they both got out.

"What are you all doing out here?" He asked.

"We're here to watch y/n kick your ass." Natsuo laughed.

"Y/n, are you serious?"

"You wanted to disrespect me, so this is the consequence of your decision." I responded. "Come fight me."

"I'm not doing that." He grabbed Camie's hand and walked towards the entrance that I was blocking, so I quickly swung and punched his face. He fell to the ground as everyone gasped and he stared at me in disbelief. "Are you crazy?!"

"Maybe I am! Camie, get behind me. You're next once I'm done with him." I watched her gulp as I glared at her, and I grabbed Shoto before making him get up from the ground. I pulled him to the backyard as everyone followed. The yard was large and they used it for training in the past. I tried to punch Shoto and he quickly blocked me before backing up. I charged at him and he quickly put up a wall of ice. "Oh! So, you want to use our quirks? Got it!" I covered my fists with ice and angrily punched through his ice shield, hitting his stomach.

"I don't want to fight you!"

"Coward!" I kept throwing punches that he blocked, and quickly kicked his legs hard enough to trip him. I quickly sat on him and went to punch his face, but he dodged and grabbed my wrist before flipping me onto my back. He got on top of me tried restraining me until I covered my body in my hottest blue flames. He quickly got off, allowing me to extinguish it and get up. I round kicked the side of his stomach and tackled him onto the ground.

"I won't hit you, but I'll restrain you!"

"Good luck!" He tried holding onto me tightly to prevent me from moving, and I wiggled out of his grip before turning my body and putting him into a straight arm bar. He tried to get me off, but I just held on tighter, which made he grunt in pain.

"Okay! You win!"


"I'm sorry that I brought her here! I shouldn't have!"

"And what are you gonna do once I let you go?!"

"I'll take her and leave!"


"I promise! Please let go!"

I let go and watched him slowly get up. He walked toward Camie and pulled her out of the house as we all watched. I noticed Rei slowly walk towards me and she didn't look happy. "I love having you around, but I think you should leave." She said, shocking me. "It's really my fault for letting you fight him, but it was hard for me to watch. He's my son and I don't want to see him being hurt. Even if he deserves it."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now