❄️Family Dinner🔥

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The next day, everyone woke up early to get ready for some interviewers who were visiting. Aizawa told us that they wanted to interview Shoto and Bakugo because of the villains they defeated right after they got their licenses. A group of adults walked into the dorm and started setting up by the sofa. They got the boys ready and soon started recording. The interviewer played back parts of the fight to introduce them, but Bakugo seemed to make her uncomfortable. "Do the two of you normally have fun training together?" She asked.

"Does it look that way to you?" Bakugo growled. "You should get your eyes and brain checked!"

"We're friends." Inserted Shoto, making me quietly chuckle on the side.

"Huh? Don't just say random stuff! Since when have we been friends?!"

"We spent a lot of time together because of the supplementary classes, right?"

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"We spent a lot of time together because of the supplementary classes, right?"

"What kind of system is that? Spending time together doesn't mean we're friends!" Bakugo continued to rant.

"What system are you talking about?" Asked Shoto.

"I don't know! You should get your brain checked too!"

The shock on some of the students' faces was hilarious

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The shock on some of the students' faces was hilarious. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. As soon as the interview was over, the adults left and Aizawa soon came back in with our mail. Yaoyorozu had ordered a bunch of packages and took most of the it. Kaminari handed out the rest and handed me a letter from a 'Coldsun fan'. I opened it and read the first sentence before quickly realizing it was Dabi. "Again, it's never too late to join me, but I know you're too chicken right now. I'm leaving my burner phone number in case you ever want to text me." I put the letter back in the envelope and put it away in my room. I didn't really know what to do with the letter. Should I have texted Dabi?

As I opened the door, I was shocked to see Kirishima standing there. "Oh. What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Can we talk? Please." He asked with pleading eyes. I nodded and motioned him to come in. We sat on the floor together and I waited for him to speak. "I don't think we can be friends anymore."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now