I Trust You

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In the morning, I woke up before Shoto and got dressed before flying to the condo. I quietly walked in and went to Katsuki's room to see that he was still asleep. I hesitantly sat next to him and gently rubbed his arm to wake him up. "Katsuki." He hummed and turned to look at me. His eyes were half open, since he was just deep asleep and instead of saying anything, he pulled me close and hugged me. I felt guilty. Not because it felt like I was betraying Shoto, but because I kept hurting both of them. I let things get too serious and switching between them just hurts them more and more. Katsuki nuzzled deeper into my chest and I began softly stroking the back of his head. "Did you really miss me?" He slowly nodded and I hugged him tighter. "Aww." I teased.

He looked up at me and groaned with an annoyed expression on his face. "This isn't funny."

"I know." I said while smiling guiltily. "I'm sorry. I can't express how sorry I am."

"What're you even sorry for?"

"For unintentionally messing with your feelings. You still want to be with me, right? And I'm guessing the last thing you want is to be hearing about me and Shoto. Whatever that is."

"... I'm sorry for ignoring you... and for having sex with Matsuda."

"Are you actually sorry about having sex with her or are you just saying that?"

"I'm sorry that you caught me."

I pushed him back and made him look at me. "I thought you wouldn't have sex with her because of her age. You said she was old."

"I was mad at you and she took advantage on our date."


"She paid for one at the gala, remember? We went out the night after you left and she made a move, so we fucked... and then the next night and then again when you walked in on us."

"Well... Is she good?"

He pulled away and laid on his back with his hands folded behind his head. "She is."

"Better than me?"

"Let's not get into it." I glared at him and got up before stomping out of the room. I went into the living room, where I waited a minute for him to come get me, but he didn't. I quietly walked back to see him still laying down. I watched him turn to look at me and I pouted. "Stop being a brat and come here."

I whined before walking towards him and throwing myself in his arms. "How is she better?" I whined while looking up at him.

"I never said she was." He laughed. "You're such a baby."

"Then tell me. Is she better at pleasing you than me?"

"... No. No one is better than you."

We quietly stared at each other until I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "I can't stay tonight. I'm finishing the week with Shoto."

He sighed before pulling away and getting up. "I'm tired of hearing about him."

"... We're leaving soon. You won't be hearing about him anymore when we get to America. My relationship with him would be over."

"What about us? What happens when I leave you there? Would we be over?"

"Wouldn't it? That was the plan when we first started."

"Yea. It would."

"Then that's it. You've decided."

I got up before kissing him and leaving. I went back to Shoto's and when I walked in, I saw him lying on the couch. He turned to look at me and I quietly sat on the floor in front of him before holding his hand. "You went to see him?" He asked and I nodded. "Is everything okay?" I shook my head and soon felt tears burn my eyes.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now