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Mild NSFW 😅 only like a sentence, so no heads up.
When I woke up again, I realized Shoto was still asleep and lunchtime had passed. I knew my parents were at work, so I got up, put on a robe and went into the bathroom. I started my shower and stood under the freezing water to wake myself up. After a few minutes, I heard a flush and pulled back the curtain to see Shoto walking towards me. "Good morning." He said while walking into the shower with me.

"Good morning." I smiled before pulling him into my arms.

"Why are you showering with cold water?"

"To wake myself up. What are your plans for today?" I asked.

"Well..." He paused to think about it. "I want to spend the day with you. We should knock out some new year firsts together before we have to go to our work study." I nodded before handing him some soap so we could wash up together. After we got out, we brushed our teeth and put on some clothes before starting breakfast.

"Want to watch a movie after we have some sexy time?" I said teasingly while sliding my hand up his shirt.

"Maybe." He blushed. Once we finished cooking, we sat down to eat and I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I ate while softly rubbing his thigh. I noticed how hard he was getting, but he was trying his best to ignore it. I quickly lowered his boxers to see his dick spring up and he quickly grabbed my wrist. "I can't eat like this."

"Then don't eat." As I reached for his dick, I heard the front door open and I quickly covered it before pulling my hand away. I look at the doorway to see my dad walk in and stare at us. "Happy New Year, dad... You're home early."

"Yea..." He responded. "I got a text from Fuyumi while I was at work. She said Shoto never went home after walking you home and then she told me that you two have been having sex and that you didn't take her seriously when she talked to you about it... Y/n, what the hell?"

I felt my stomach turn and was frozen in shock. How could she tell my father? It was none of her business. "Shoto, you should go home. I'll text you later." He awkwardly got up and left the room to get his things. My dad and I stared at each other until Shoto left and he deeply sighed. "Please don't do that. Yes, I've been having sex for a while, but isn't that why you helped me get birth control in America? You knew I'd be having sex at a young age."

"You were hanging out with boys all the time. I got the birth control just in case, but I was praying you wouldn't have sex. You're not even 16 yet."

"I know you don't want me to and that's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to get upset and hate Shoto. He's a really great guy and I love him."

"The fact that you knew you had to keep it a secret tells me that you still think like a child. I don't hate your boyfriend, I think he's a good person, but it doesn't mean I'm okay with you two having sex. What if you're the .1% of people who get pregnant on birth control? What then?"

"I'd handle it!" I yelled. The conversation was just upsetting and I didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Okay, I get it! No one thinks Shoto and I should be having sex, but it's already happened a bunch of times! I can't go back in time to stop myself!"

"Why are you raising your voice at me?!" He yelled back. "How the hell are you even having sex all the time when you're living in the dorms?! I thought the security at your school wasn't only for villains!"

"Dad, why does it matter?! What's done is done!"

"Yea?! Well when you go back to the dorms, I'll be talking to your principal! Maybe coming to Japan was a mistake!... Maybe we need to go back to America."

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