Three's a crowd

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I put Katsuki into the passenger seat and followed Shoto to his house. It was a huge two-story modern home. We parked the cars and I brought Katsuki inside before sitting him on the couch with Yaoyorozu. "Do you need more water?"

"No." He panted. "I need-... Bathroom." He quickly got up and ran into the open bathroom door before throwing up in the toilet.

"Fuck." I hissed.

"I have another bathroom if you wanna shower and change." Said Shoto, while pointing upstairs.

"Can I?" He held my hand before bringing me upstairs and handing me a towel and a change of clothes. I stared at him for a minute as I thought about earlier. I wanted to kiss him again, but we had to take care of the others. "I'll be quick." I went to shower in his private bathroom and changed into the shirt when I finished. I went downstairs and saw Katsuki passed out on the toilet. "You should go shower next. I can take care of them." Shoto nodded before going upstairs and I laid Yaoyorozu on her side so she wouldn't choke on vomit. I took off her shoes and went to check on Katsuki. "Hey." I said to wake him up. "You okay?"

"No, I feel like shit." He responded.

"At least you're aware of it. That's a good sign. Wanna shower?" He nodded and I closed the door before helping him out of his clothes. I turned on a cold shower and helped him inside. "Call me if you need me." I walked out of the bathroom and after a few minutes, Shoto walked down in a t-shirt and shorts.

"Is he showering?" He asked.

"Yea. Can you get him a towel and clothes?" He nodded before getting everything and putting it in the bathroom for him. We sat outside together and I stared at him before chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?"

"This is one hell of a way for us to reunite, don't you think?" He smiled and I looked at Yaoyorozu sleeping on the couch. "So, the two of you dated?"

"It was on and off for about a year after graduation."

"Why was it on and off?"

"Uhm." He sighed before looking down. "We first broke up when I saved this attractive woman, who ended up kissing me on live tv."

"Oh, I think I remember that. You saved her from the top of a burning building."

"Yea. Then we got back together and she broke up with me at this party, because someone was talking about you and I guess I reacted funny during the conversation. At least, that's what she said. And then she just complained that I wasn't as affectionate or putting as much effort into the relationship like I did with you."

"Well, were you?"

"Y/n, you're two different people with two very different personalities. You pursued me by being crazy affectionate and I learned to do it back. I pursued her and she can be affectionate, but I had to initiate it all the time. She's reserved."

"Ah, I see... Do you still like her? Or are you into someone else now?"

"I've been seeing other people, but I'm not interested in dating any of them, Momo included. What about you and Bakugo? When the hell did that happen?"

"That was just casual sex when he stayed with me in America. There's nothing between us besides that, so I've also been seeing other people."

"And he's letting you stay at his place?"

"Why not? I let him stay at mine." I soon heard the shower turn off and I got up before grabbing Shoto's hand and pulling him up with me. "Where are we sleeping?"

"I have one master bedroom and two guest rooms. You pick." I narrowed my eyes as I stared at him. "What?"

"You're telling me that I can pick the master bedroom?"

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now