Romantic Getaway pt.2

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He drove off of the main road and towards a forest before parking in front of the fence that surrounded it. When we got out of the car, we jumped the fence, walked into the forest and stopped in front of a small lake. There was a small dock with a rowboat tied to it. Shoto stepped onto the boat and helped me get on before leading me to sit in the front. He sat in the middle and pushed us away from the dock before rowing to the center. I looked around and saw another dock at the end of the lake and a connected dirt trail going into the forest.

"Where are we? There's no way you stumbled onto this very private lake."

"Uhm, this place belongs to my grandparents."

"Oh... I don't think you've ever talked about them."

"You've never talked about yours either."

"I'll tell you about them if you tell me about yours."

"Deal." He huffed before grabbing my hands. "Where do I start?"

"The very beginning. Before you were even conceived and maybe before your parents were conceived, if you know how it all happened."

"That's gross. Don't say it like that."

"Okay." I chuckled. "Tell me which one of your grandparents owns this place."

"My mother's parents own this. They expanded their land after my father paid for my mother's hand in marriage."

"An arranged marriage?"

"A quirk marriage. Like the one we were supposed to have, remember?" He smiled and I nodded before we laughed. He began telling me all about the family I didn't know he had. He told me about how his mothers maiden name is Himura and how she came from a well off family, but when they began struggling financially, Endeavor offered to finance his wife's family. She apparently loved her family so much that she agreed to marry him without giving it much thought.

"Why haven't I ever seen them if you're so close?"

"We're not. My mother is close to them. To me, they're just people I would sometimes see when I was a kid and once recently."

"What about your father's side?"

"I think he was disowned by his parents. I never knew them, but I heard they were pretty rich. Now tell me about your grandparents."

"Uhm, they're definitely nothing like your grandparents. On my father's side, my grandmother is a school teacher and my grandfather is a police officer. In fact, he's the chief of his precinct. On my mother's side, my grandmother is an architect and my grandfather is an engineer. Can you guess which side of my family is nurturing?"

"I'm guessing it's your father's side. He's the one that raised you... What does he do again?"

"He's a cyber security specialist... I don't have any questions for you. Do you have any for me?"

"I have extended family that I don't talk to. Do you have any?"

"My mother is an only child. My dad has three sisters and a brother. They all have two or three kids, who I love. I'm the only, only-child."

"You can have one of mine."

"Well, if we get married, I'll have all of them." I smiled as I said that playfully, but my smile faded when he stayed quiet. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He stared into my eyes, but soon chuckled. "Sometimes, I feel like you want me more than I want you. You just won't admit it."

"Sometimes, I do, but then sometimes, I want your competitor."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now