The Results

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In the morning, Katsuki left for work and when he finished, we went to see Natsuo.

"You're back." Natsuo said while walking into the exam room. "And you brought your boyfriend. Nice to see you again Bakugo."

"Yep." I awkwardly responded as Katsuki remained quiet. "Thanks again for doing this."

"No problem... You know what I'm gonna say. You'll get your results in an hour and remember to use protection when having sex."

"Thanks." I quickly got up and pulled Katsuki out of the room before leaving.

"Why the hell did you take us to his brother?" Katsuki asked before we got in the car.

"Because Natsuo expedits the test results to an hour instead of two days."

"Do you know how embarrassing that was for me? To him, I'm the other man. I bet he's still rooting for you and breath-mint to get back together."

"I wasn't thinking about any of that. I was only thinking about getting the results and having a special few hours when we got home... Are you mad?"

"I'm annoyed."

"Katsuki." He stayed quiet and began driving. "To Shoto's family, you will always be the other man. That's true."

"Are you trying to piss me off?!"

"But to me and everyone else, he's the other man. He had the advantage, because I was with him, but that was years ago. I like you and everything about you. You're so goddamn hot and playful, and sometimes you can be a jerk, but I like it. I feel like you're so understanding, which I never would've expected from you in high school and you're so mature now. Yes, I haven't agreed to a monogamous relationship yet, but we just started dating. Isn't me liking you enough for now?"

"... Do you like me enough to ever choose me instead of him? Who will you be there for at the end of the day?"

"... Right now, that's you. I've already had a conversation like this with Shoto and I told him that you're my priority. That I needed to be there for you whenever I can... That's why I left him the other night and went to join you at work. I wanted to be with you. I really do like you a lot, Katsuki, and it's not just physical." I watched him huff and soon noticed that he began driving faster. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get home as soon as possible."


He scoffed before taking a glance at me. "I'm fucking your brains out once we get the results." We soon got to his building and he rushed me inside before kissing me and beginning to strip.

"Katsuki." I huffed. "I thought you were waiting for the results."

"We are, but we might as well get started. Here." He handed me his phone and picked me up before carrying me to his bed. He pulled off my clothes and stripped me of my underwear before taking his boxers off. He crawled on top of me and pushed himself between my legs before kissing my neck and rubbing my clit. He soon slid his fingers into me and I moaned before pulling his lips towards mine. I reached down to wrap my hand around his hardening dick and began to stroke it until we heard his phone ding. We quickly pulled away to check it and opened the link before seeing his negative results. "Finally." He growled before tossing his phone off the bed and holding my thighs apart as he pressed his tip against my entrance. "Ready?" I nodded and I watched him excitedly smirk before pushing.

We both let out moans until he finished pushing all of it inside of me. "Please, don't be scared to cum in me. I don't want you to cum a single drop outside of me. Think you can do that?"

"Try and stop me." He slowly rolled his hips against me until rolling became thrusting. I held onto him and moaned as he aggressively thrusted until he shot his first stream into me.

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