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The next morning, I got up to brush my teeth and went downstairs. I was so tired that I was walking like a zombie.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say, before looking up and realizing it was Kirishima.

"Yea. Just a bit tired." I said while I flashed a reassuring smile.

"You should wash your face in cold water. It'll help."

I nodded and went into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I did what Kirishima told me to do and washed my face. It did help me wake up and I went to the living room to join him.

"You did what I said?" He asked. I nodded and sat next to him on the couch. We made eye contact and I just smiled at him. "I miss spending time with you. I know we're not best friends, but we have the potential of becoming it, don't you think?" He continued.

 I know we're not best friends, but we have the potential of becoming it, don't you think?" He continued

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"I agree. We can hang out more, now that we're living so close. Do you want anything for breakfast? I was planning on making American pancakes with eggs and bacon."

"Yea. I'll help you."

I nodded and he followed me into the kitchen. I didn't think he was the type to cook, so I was surprised that he offered to help. As I was defrosting the bacon and preparing the eggs, he was following the recipe to make pancake batter. I turned to look at him and saw him obviously struggling.

"Do you need help?" I asked as I walked towards him and slipped backwards. I landed in Kirishima's arms and could see the blush on his face when I looked up at him.

 I landed in Kirishima's arms and could see the blush on his face when I looked up at him

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"I'm sorry. I dropped oil on the floor."

"... That's a hazard. You should've cleaned it up." I said while staring into his eyes. For a split second, I could feel my heart beating faster, but once I blinked, I looked away and felt normal again.

"I will. Give me a second."

He lifted me up and sat me on the counter. I watched him clean the floor quickly and then he took my slippers and cleaned the bottom as well.

"There. It's safe to walk now." He said.

He put my slippers on my feet and helped me off the counter. He wouldn't make eye contact with me at all, but my eyes kept sliding onto him.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now