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"Are! You! Ready?!" I yelled before jumping on my bed to wake Katsuki.

"Why are you so loud?" He whined.

"Because I have so much planned for us." I sat next to him and began looking through the plans on my phone. "Since we're publicly dating, we could go the touristy route and go to places like Universal and Disney, the Griffith Observatory, or maybe a show or concert; but if you want to do things my way, we could go to the beach, fly around L.A. which is technically illegal, but I'm excused. Oh! We could hit up the most amazing-."

"Y/n, we have time to do everything you want and more. Just pick something."

"Oh... I'm just a little excited." I awkwardly smiled as he stared at me and he suddenly took a deep breath in before grabbing me and pulling me under him. He buried his face in my neck and held me tight.

"I'm sorry. Let me wash up and then we'll decide." I nodded and held him close until he got up. After getting ready, I drove him to one of my favorite restaurants for breakfast and started talking about what to do for the day. "I want you to show me what you usually do. Chances are, we won't be able to go to really public places without being crowded by fans, but I still want a day in your life."

"That's a cute idea. I definitely need like two or three days." I smiled before feeding him and coming up with the days itinerary. After breakfast, I drove him towards Malibu beach and stopped at a surf shop.

"What are we doing here?" Katsuki asked as I pulled him inside.

"Buying some sexy bathing suits." I teased. I quickly grabbed a cute bikini and held it in front of me. "How's this?"

"It's definitely sexy." I grabbed a speedo before holding it in front of him and he pushed my hand away. "Fuck no."

"I'm kidding." I laughed. "Pick one." He grabbed a pair of plain swim trunks and I took it before going up to the cashier. "Alex!~" I yelled excitedly before hugging my female friend.

She smiled before hugging me tight and resting her hands on my lower back as she looked at me. "You were gone for so long. This is the guy you're dating?" She looked at Katsuki and I nodded.

"Alex, this is Katsuki. Katsuki, Alex."

"I think I'll just call him by his hero name, Dynamight." She pulled me deeper into her arms and used her free hand to shake his hand.

"So, we need to rent some surfboards and wetsuits."

"Got it. I'll go get them."

She finally let go of me and went to the back to get everything. "She's into girls, isn't she?" Katsuki asked.

"How can you tell?" I answered with another question.

"Just a hunch." Once Alex brought our stuff, I left my card with her and took Katsuki to the changing rooms. When we were ready, we walked to the beach and started walking into the whitewater. I got on my board pretty easily and watched Katsuki follow my lead. We paddled further out and sat as we waited for waves to approach. "There." He tried paddling closer until I stopped him.

"Have you ever been surfing?"


"Then start small. Don't try any big waves yet."

"You think I can't handle it?"

"I don't, but if you think you can, then go for it." I watched him continue to paddle closer and when the wave got close, he tried standing and immediately wiped out. I watched for a minute until Katsuki swam back up and got on his board. "Need some help?!" I asked from afar and watched him come towards me.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now