❄️ Jealousy! 🔥

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About three weeks had passed and I received a text from the girls about meeting up at the U.A pool locker room. I've been hanging out with Kirishima twice a week and with Todoroki once a week. I was kinda happy to just be with the girls. I was ready to bring my bikini until Asui informed me to bring my school swim suit. I packed a bag and headed to U.A. I got to the locker room and saw most of the girls already there. I changed and waited for the rest to finish. We went out to the pool and started synchronized stretching as we saw the boys from our class arrive. I saw Todoroki from afar and winked at him before going into the pool to play. I then made eye contact with Kirishima and just smiled. After a minute, Bakugo came in angry and wanted to beat up Midoriya and Todoroki, so Kirishima stayed by his side to calm him down.

Iida suggested that they see who could swim 50 meters the fastest and all of the girls got out to help judge

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Iida suggested that they see who could swim 50 meters the fastest and all of the girls got out to help judge. I walked towards Todoroki and talked to him before his turn.

"The competitiveness in boys never ceases to amaze me. You're pretty calm on the outside, but I know you want to prove yourself as much as they do."
I said. " I like how you have drive, but you're not aggressive about it. Bakugo is an example of aggressive drive. It's scary."

"I know you find him scary and see him as a villain, but I don't agree with you. He's a lot, he's annoying, he's rude and honestly crazy, but I don't think he's a terrible person."

"Did you not see him attack Midoriya-kun during our final exam? Who does that?"

"We can talk more in depth later."

He got up to prepare for his turn and won quickly. Most of the guys cheated by not actually swimming, but Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya were the final 3. They were given a countdown, but immediately flopped into the water. Mr. Aizawa walked in to tell us to leave, so he temporarily erased their quirks. Everyone went to change and I met up with Todoroki to head home.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked. "My dad should be home right now."

"You want me to meet him for the first time now? I smell like pool water, my hair is looking kinda rough and I'm not prepared."

"Todoroki-kun. You're one of my closest friends. I don't think he'd mind. You don't have to impress him. I met your sister while looking crazy."

"You didn't look crazy. You looked good like always."

I couldn't help, but smile. "... I feel like you think that I'm too perfect. I'll need to show you how I look when I just wake up."

He chuckled and that made me smile even brighter. I convinced him to meet my father and we went inside.

"Y/n. Who is this?" My dad asked, looking really suspicious.

"Dad. This is my friend Todoroki-kun."

"... The boy from school with the same power as you?"

I nodded and he smiled before pulling Todoroki into a hug. Todoroki was obviously surprised and my dad pulled him into the living room with him.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now