I Love You

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A few days passed of silence in the groupchat and hearing nothing from or about Shoto. I felt bad, but I didn't know what was going on with him. I made a cake on my day off and went over to Shoto's house to see if he was there. I had a lot of time to think and needed to fix everything, although I knew it would be hard. Once I rang the doorbell, I watched Camie open the door and glare at me.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a displeased tone.

"Is Shoto home?"

"Yea. He's waiting for me in bed."

I held out the cake and waited for her to take it. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "I hurt you and never apologized. I know you hate me and we probably can't ever be friends, but I'll step back now. You can have Shoto all to yourself and I won't be interfering anymore. I've caused him enough pain throughout the years, and maybe you can fix him." She slowly took the cake out of my hands and I backed away. "You can go with him to family game night, and you can even be his plus one to his sisters wedding. I won't be around to complain or threaten you two anymore. His family's really nice when you get to know them. Even his dad, which is surprising to most, but they'll love you if you make him happy. I also don't know if you've been inside their house yet, but they might have a picture of me and him as kids. Don't complain to his mom about it. She'll do whatever she wants and I'm sure she'll replace it in time... Again, I'm really sorry."

I turned around before leaving and heading back to my condo. I wasn't planning on moving or leaving Japan at all. I was only planning on being more cautious. I went to Endeavors agency and handed in my resignation after applying to work at my mother's Japanese agency, which I was immediately accepted into. I was planning on traveling further into a different city, so there wasn't a chance of bumping into anyone, and I asked the girls to keep me updated on any events or trips. If Shoto was going, then I wouldn't be there. I couldn't allow myself to run into him or any members of his family anymore. It would be too heart breaking, so I let Fuyumi know that I wasnt attending her wedding, but that I wished her all the happiness in the world.

I looked outside as it had been gloomy all day and it had finally started to rain. I started planning on how to occupy my time, since I would now have a lot of it. There was a sudden flash of thunder and lightning, and I looked at my balcony. My stomach dropped when I saw Shoto standing outside in the pouring rain and I quickly went to meet him outside. "What the hell are you doing out here?!" I asked over the noise. "It's pouring and it's cold!"

"Please don't tell me that you're leaving again!" He begged.


"I heard your conversation with Camie! Then my dad said that you handed in your resignation letter and Fuyumi said that you weren't coming to the wedding or planning on being around anymore! Please don't tell me that you're leaving me again!"

"I... I'm not leaving Japan! I just won't be around you guys anymore! I'm doing what's best for all of us!"

"No, you're doing what's best for you again!"

My throat began to hurt as tears started to form. "I can't do this, Shoto! I messed everything up so badly! I don't want you to end up hating me and that's why I need to leave! I hate how we are right now! You're with Camie now and it's obvious that I'll be getting replaced! I might as well get it over with myself instead of waiting for you to do it!"

"Camie can't replace you!" He yelled louder. "My love for you is suffocating when I can't have you!" I could see that he began crying, and I started to cry with him. "I started dating her, because she knew about us already and said that she could help me move on! I took a chance with her, I spent more time with her when she requested and did everything I could, to try and prove to her that it was working, but it wasn't! Everything we've done physically hurts me, because she's not you! I can't live without you, and it kills me that you were willing to try!"

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