❄️ Regret! 🔥

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A/N: I felt bad about yesterday's chapter, so I'm posting this one a little early 😅 enjoy.

Warning ⚠️ There is a very short lemon 🍋 but I'll let you know when it's starts and finishes.
After a few hours, school was over and we all went back to the dorms together. The boys were walking to their rooms and I quickly stopped Kirishima.

"Come with me to my room." I said.

He nodded and followed me. Once we went inside, we sat together on the floor.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I am." I released a small smile. "I told you we would hang out, so let's do it today."

"Oh yea. Awesome." He raised his voice in excitement.

"Since you're so great at most video games, try beating me at my favorite. I play video games a lot too and am kind of an expert, but I don't wanna brag."

"I'm super competitive, so don't be too sure that you'll win. Okay?" He said with a large smirk.

I nodded and turned on my console before handing him a remote. We played for a couple of rounds and he kicked my ass in most of it. I felt defeated.

"How?!" I whined. "How can you be so good at everything?!"

"I'm overflowing with talent."

I sighed and dropped my head. I felt him pat it and when I looked up, we locked eyes again. I leaned in and kissed him. Once he kissed back, I pushed him onto his back and sat on his pelvis. I could feel his boner growing and I pulled away to see his face completely flushed.

"Let's get comfortable." I suggested.

He nodded and quickly laid on my bed. I got on top of him and kept kissing him. It was getting heated again, but at some point, Todoroki popped into my head. I shook the thought of him out of my head and started unbuttoning Kirishima's shirt. I felt his hands slide onto mine and hold them, while he pulled away.

 I felt his hands slide onto mine and hold them, while he pulled away

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"You know I like you, but I don't want to rush things. This is our first kiss." He said.

"You're right." I softly kissed his lips and pulled away. "You should probably go back to your room."

"What?!" He shouted in shock. "Already?!"

I smiled and ruffled his hair. "We've been hanging out for a long time. We should probably do our homework."

"You're right."

He grabbed his things and kissed me before leaving. I sat down and felt my mood worsening. The silence was slowly killing me.

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