The Photoshoot

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After a few days, my flight back home was canceled, dating rumors about me and Katsuki were circulating and we were taking advantage of the popularity, despite my intimate moment with Shoto. We hired a team of publicists to help us with our social medias, which quickly grew in followers, and we began posting solo pictures to keep people confused and guessing. I announced that I would be going to the gala, and a bunch of designers in Japan reached out to me to have one of them make my dress. I chose one of them with the condition that they made Katsuki something to match. On one of Katsuki's days off, we were messing around before our publicists were supposed to arrive.

"Stop looking away." He growled. "I wanna see your face." We were naked in front of his giant bedroom mirror that almost took up an entire wall. He was sitting on the floor and had me sitting on top of him. My hands were tied behind my back, a cloth was tied over my mouth and he held my thighs open into a split as my back rested on his chest. His fully erect cock covered the sight of my pussy in the mirror as I sat between it and his stomach. He lifted me up and slowly aligned his tip with my entrance before lowering me onto it. It immediately popped out and I whimpered. "Arch your back more." He tried it again after I listened to him and I felt him slide all the way into me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head from the pleasure I felt and he let go of my thighs before grabbing my hips and neck and beginning to slam into me. We watched it in the mirror and I kept repeatedly moaning until we heard his doorbell ring. "Is it time already? We're not done yet." The doorbell rang again and Katsuki groaned before pulling out and turning me to face him. He slipped in again, laid on his back and held me tight before repeatedly slamming himself inside. We were both moaning uncontrollably before climaxing and beginning to breathe heavily. He pulled out and the doorbell rang again, pissing him off. "Wait here." He groaned before grabbing his robe and leaving the room. "Wait a goddamn minute!" He yelled angrily. I rolled onto my stomach and got up before sitting on his bed. Katsuki soon came back in to untie me and we jumped into a shower together. When we were done, we went out to sit with the publicists and they looked at us with a bit of discomfort. "We're both here. Tell us what you want."

"We're so sorry for getting here early." One of them, Ayame, apologized.

"We actually should be leaving now." Said Hana, the other publicist. "We were able to set up a couples photoshoot for the two of you."

"We want to release some of the pictures after the gala. Everyone will be talking about your matching outfits by the next day, so we think it would be best to release professionally taken photos. One's that'll compliment the both of you."

"But you should get dressed so we can go now. We've made the appointment with the celebrity photographer, Yumi Matsuda. The world will be freaking out about this for the next month."

"Okay, I'll go barefaced." I said. "We'll be right out." Katsuki and I went to get dressed and put on casual clothes before going back out. We all left and went to the photographers studio.

"Dynamight! Cold Sun!" The hot 50 year old photographer greeted us. "It's so good to meet you, Cold Sun." She shook my hand and I curiously looked at her and Katsuki. "Good to see you again, Dynamight."

"Good to see you too, Matsuda." They shook hands before pulling away and Katsuki put his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay, so we have hair, makeup and wardrobe waiting for you in your dressing rooms. I'll be here with the crew to finish setting up. Call me if you need anything." She walked away and Katsuki quickly turned me around.

"I need you to act completely in love with me." He whispered.

"Why?" I also whispered. "How do you know her?"

"I met her a few months ago at a fashion show. She wouldn't stop hitting on me."

"Did you two sleep together?"

"Fuck no. She might be hot, but she's fucking old."

I gasped before hitting him. "That's mean."

"I don't give a shit. Now go." He smacked my ass before we parted ways into our own dressing rooms. Ayame stayed in the room with me, while Hana went with him. After finishing up my hair and makeup, I was dressed in a turtleneck and jeans before heading out for the first round of the shoot. I bumped into Katsuki and smiled when I realized that we were matching. "In love." He whispered. I nodded before holding his hand and walking on set.

"Ah, you're here." Said Yumi. "Just take a seat on the floor and get comfortable in each other's arms." He sat down facing the camera and I sat in between his legs with his arms around me. We tried being fluid with our movements and after looking at the camera, I looked up at him to make eye contact. "Beautiful. Make a different pose." I got up and turned his body so that his side was facing the camera and I sat on his lap. He held me close and I laid my hand on his shoulders before maintaining eye contact. I softly smiled before holding his face instead and I leaned closer to his face with my lips parted. He did the same and we froze there until Yumi told us to stand. Katsuki put his arm around me and I leaned against him while looking at the camera before pulling away. I made him face me and held his hands before standing on my toes. We smiled at each other lovingly and he let go of me before grabbing my face. I held my hands behind my back and we soon changed poses. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me up by my ass and I held on by the back of his neck. "Okay, great job! Go change."

Katsuki put me down and we ran to the dressing rooms to change. I changed into white spandex booty shorts and a matching white bra before putting on an oversized white button up. I walked out to see Katsuki shirtless and wearing light blue pajama pants. "What's going on here?" I cheekily smiled while approaching him. I slid my finger between his skin and waistband before tugging at his pants and looking inside.

He grabbed my wrists before holding them close to him and smirking. "Quit it unless you want a quickie in my changing room. You know, you're really good at this modeling thing. Have you done this before?"

"I'm a girl." I chuckled. "I take like a billion pictures a day. I've learned a thing or two. Plus, I love looking at those celebrity couple photoshoots."

"Are you guys ready?" Yumi asked. We walked to the new set design that was decorated to look like a bedroom and laid in bed together. "This is supposed to be sexy and intimate, but not lewd. Do you think you got this?" We nodded before he laid on his back and I sat on top of him. I brushed my hair to the side before holding his face and leaning in. "You guys are naturals. You're doing great." After a few poses in bed, we changed back into our clothes and started saying our farewells. "You two really did amazing today. I'll send you the pictures soon and congrats on the relationship. You two look great together."

"Thank you, Yumi. Can I call you that?"

"Of course. Have a great time at the gala."

She smiled before walking away and I grabbed Katsuki before dragging him outside. "You really tried getting me to act lovey dovey for what? She showed no signs of wanting to chase after you. Not everyone is in love with you, Katsuki. Get over yourself." I smirked and smacked his ass before quickly getting in the car. He growled before getting in and driving to the condo. 

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