❄️Work Study🔥

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It was finally time for the work study with Endeavor and strangely enough, some of the guys from class were joining me. This time, we had to stay at the company's dorming facility so that we wouldn't have to travel home late at night. I met up with Shoto, Bakugo and Midoriya before getting on a bus to Endeavors location. When we got off, Endeavor was right next to the bus stop to greet us. "Welcome to working for Endeavor." He smiled strangely. "I can't believe I have to train you." He lowly growled as his smile melted away. "Because Shoto asked, I gave my permission reluctantly, but I wish Shoto and y/n came on their own."

"If you gave permission, then don't complain." Scolded Shoto, shocking his father.

"I've thought about training with you since the supplementary lessons, but you're kind of weird." Added Bakugo, making me laugh.

"Shoto, are you really friends with this boy?" Asked Endeavor.

"But if I can see how the top hero works, I don't really care about anything else."

"I thought I told you to choose your friends wisely!"

I awkwardly walked to Endeavor's side to pat his arm so that he'd relax, but he seemed really on edge.

"Thank you for allowing us to do our work study with you." Said Midoriya, but Endeavor began walking away with us following him. "We will do our best to learn from the work of the number one hero!"

"Shoto's not me... Right?" Endeavor suddenly jumped over a railing and started running. It reminded me of my first day working with him so I started running behind him. "Sorry, but I don't plan on looking after anyone but Shoto and y/n! If you want to learn, then watch from the back!"

"Please give us your instructions!" Yelled Midoriya. I looked back to see them all gearing up and running behind us. I smiled at them before letting myself fall behind them so I could use my fire to fly.

"Watch! From the back!" We watched Endeavor chase after a nearby villain and stayed close behind until we heard the villain call to someone. The boys quickly used their quirks to stop whoever was at the end of the alley, but someone else swooped in and my eyes widened to see Hawks.

"Oh, the work study students?" Hawks said as he knocked out the villains accomplices. "Sorry, I was just a little faster. I thought Endeavor was in trouble."

"Did it look like I was in trouble?" Asked Endeavor.

"It did, didn't it? Shoto-kun." Hawks said while landing in front of him.

"I thought I told you to let me know when you were coming?" Endeavor said while glaring at Hawks.

"Well, I just happened to be in the area." As the police arrived, we took the villains to them and watched them all get arrested. We waited for Hawks and Endeavor to finish their conversation, but Hawks was really pushing Endeavor to read some liberation book. "Please make sure you read it."

"The book the number two hero is pushing." Said Midoriya. "I should read it too. Maybe the secret to his speed is hidden in it."

"I brought these just for someone like you!" Said Hawks as he pulled 4 more books out of his coat. "That's right! It's the age of the number two! If you've got speed, I think the power to predict what's coming ahead goes with it!" He quickly passed out the books and went back to where he was standing.

"He's even too fast at passing them out!" Said Midoriya in amazement.

"You really love this book, huh?" Asked Shoto. "To have so many copies..."

"I think it's so he can spread the word about it."

"That's right!" Answered Hawks. "I've been recommending it to all my friends and all the heroes across the country. I think there will at least be groundwork for liberation ideology. You should look over at least the parts that were highlighted. I recommend the second part. Do your best with your work studies. All five of you!" He soon flew away, leaving us to watch him.

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