Ski Lodge

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Soon enough, Friday was here and I got my things ready before Katsuki came to pick me up. We stopped for breakfast and started driving up. After four hours, Katsuki got off of the main road and drove up to a large cabin with tons of cars in the parking lot. He drove to the front door where valet waited and bellboys started helping us with our bags as we walked inside. He checked us in and we were taken to our room.

"Can we take a quick nap?" I asked before jumping into bed. I looked at him as I patted the spot next to me until he joined me. I smiled as he pulled me into his arms and we closed our eyes for a few minutes, but kept hearing our phones buzz.

"That's probably the groupchat." He groaned. "Let's get ready." I nodded and got up to put on all my snowboarding gear. "Uh... Are you good at skiing?"

"I snowboard and I'm the best."

"Did I ever mention how I find athletic women crazy hot?"

I slowly turned to look at him and cocked my head to the side. "Women?"

"... I find my athletic girlfriend crazy hot."

"Better." I smiled before jumping into his arms and kissing him. Once we were ready, we went downstairs to meet up with our group. I excitedly went to hug everyone and we went to the ski rental outside. A few of us grabbed whatever we were comfortable with and took lifts to the top of the mountain.

"I'll meet you at the bottom!" Sato yelled before rushing down. Everyone followed and as I went down, I took the most exciting path the mountain had to offer. I could see Shoji and a few others in the distance and turned to see Katsuki behind. I slowed down to let him pass me and I watched him get closer until I realized he wasn't gonna avoid me.

"Katsuki!" I yelled in shock. "Go around me!" I watched him extend his arms out before quickly tackling me to the ground. We began to slide down for a few feet until we had enough traction to stop. "What the hell was that?!" I started hitting him until he got off of me.

"I thought it would be romantic." He answered. I was taken aback for a second before we both started laughing. After a few hours outside, it was finally lunch time and we all went to the cafeteria to grab some food.

"I'm so exhausted." Mineta huffed. "I'd rather relax in the hot spring all day."

"I for one would appreciate not having to save you from literally everything on that mountain." Sero replied.

"Yea, dude. You suck." Kaminari added.

"Why would you say that?!" Mineta cried. "I'm athletic! I can ski!"

"In the kiddie section." Kirishima remarked. We all laughed as they teased Mineta, and after lunch, we all agreed to go to the hot springs. I held onto Katsuki's arm as Iida talked to the front desk.

"Okay everyone." He said after turning to look at us. "I booked us a private bath in room six. Wash your bodies well and don't forget your towels."

We split up into genders and went to go shower first. "Girls, I'm confused." I admitted. "Are we sharing one bath with the guys?"

"Oh, right. You weren't in the group chat when we started planning this." Said Asui.

"Let me explain." Mina said. "We're sharing a bath with the guys. It's just an old tradition in Japan and it's not usually a big deal. Who cares if we'll all be seeing each other completely naked."

"W-what?" I stuttered in shock. "I thought we were wearing towels."

"No. The towels aren't allowed to be in the bath. It's unsanitary. We can cover up until we get in." I awkwardly puffed my cheeks and quietly washed myself until Mina grabbed my shoulders from behind. "What's this?" She smirked. "Is our little American shy?"

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