Ski Lodge pt.2

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After eating dinner in town, we went back to the lodge. Katsuki was feeling tired, so he washed up and went to bed early, and I got ready to go snowboarding by myself. I went up the mountain and went down a few times. Each time, there were less and less people and when I went up the mountain again, all of the lights shut off, leaving me in complete darkness. "Fuck." I hissed and looked back to see the forest behind me. My stomach began to turn and I soon heard footsteps approaching.

"Don't panic." Said a familiar voice. They lit a fire on their hand, and I quickly realized it was Shoto.

"Oh, it's you. Thank god. What are you doing up here?"

"I just wanted to walk to the top instead of taking the lift. I probably should've looked at the schedule."

"We should probably head down now."

"I will. After I sit here and look at the sky for a bit. You should join me."

"Shoto, you know that forests freak me out."

"I do. That's why you should stay with me." I watched him lay on the ground and I cautiously laid next to him. I tightly held onto his arm and looked up at the faint stars. "Nothing's gonna happen to you. I won't let you get hurt again." I slowly let go of his arm and held his hand instead.

"... This is kinda nice."

"It is. I could be out here for hours."

I turned to look at him and watched him turn to look at me. "Are you okay? I feel like you haven't been yourself today... You looked kinda sad earlier."

"Well... It's hard to be myself when I see you with Bakugo. It bothers me, but I'll get over it."

"... What's the best outcome you'd expect from us attending therapy together?"

"Hmm... The best outcome would be for me to fall out of love with you." My stomach quickly dropped and I'm sure my face went pale. Luckily, it was too dark to see something like that. "I probably wouldn't be so hurt when I see you and Bakugo together. What about you?"

"... The best outcome for me is being emotionally stable. You have a way of controlling my mood."

"Good. You deserve to feel hurt whenever I do."

"You don't have to be a jerk about it." I listened to him laugh, which made me smile. We continued looking up at the sky and somehow, we both ended up falling asleep.

"Are they okay?" I heard someone say. "Hey. Wake up." I opened my eyes to see that it was morning and that I was still outside. I quickly sat up to see Shoto sitting beside me and a few strangers surrounding us.

"Shit! What time is it?!"

"8 AM. I'm pretty sure your friends are looking for you."

I quickly put on my snowboard and quickly rushed down the mountain. Once I reached the end, I took it off and ran inside. I ran to my room and went in to see Katsuki look angry as he packed his bag. "You have some fucking nerve!" He yelled. "You disappeared for a night with Todoroki!"

"I know what this looks like, but nothing happened!" I yelled back in panic. "I was at the top of the mountain when the lights had turned off and he found me there! We were only talking and we somehow fell asleep!"

"I can't keep doing this to myself! I just look stupid in front of literally everyone, because we all know what you feel for him, but I keep trying to replace him and I keep failing!"


"I really fucking like you, y/n. You have no idea how badly I wanted to be the one you chose, but in reality, you didn't even choose me. You're as obsessed with him as he is you. You love him and I couldn't compete. I'm done trying. I need someone who is sure about their feelings for me, like you're sure about him. I'm just glad that we could end this before I fell in love with you. Thank fucking god!" I quietly stared at him as he looked at me. "Don't you have something to say?!"

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