❄️Family Day!🔥

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In the morning, we all got the dorm ready for our parents or whoever was coming. After cleaning, we put on our uniforms because although it was technically a day off, we were given a dress code to make sure we were easy to spot. "Are we all ready?!" Yelled Iida.

"Yea!" We all yelled excitedly. We walked to the front gate with all of the other students and waited for the teachers to open it.

"Are they coming?" Asked Shoto, and I nodded.

"Are they?" I asked him back and he nodded. Once the gates opened, we saw the crowd of people outside and waited for the teachers to approve the visitors one by one. When Natsuo and Fuyumi walked in, Shoto and I went to greet them. "If you want, you can go ahead while I wait for my parents. I'll catch up with you later."

"No, we can wait until we're all together."

I smiled and nodded. "Our little brother is such a gentleman." Said Natsuo to Fuyumi.

"I told you that he's different with her." Fuyumi responded.

As we were talking, I heard my name being called and I turned to see my parents walk in. I smiled before running to grab their hands and pulling them towards the others. Shoto and his siblings greeted them and we started the tour at the dorm. "I don't know how much of U.A you guys have seen, but let's pretend you've never been here." I said to all of them. We walked into the common room and showed them all of the first floor before taking them to our rooms. We gave them a small room tour before pulling them to the school. We didn't want to show them every single thing, so we skipped the training grounds. We wanted them to have energy for the games. We went to our classroom, where Aizawa sensei had screens set up to show everyone their progress from the beginning of the semester to now. Shoto and his siblings were called into the room first and when I tried peeking through the window, Aizawa sensei closed the curtains. I waited for them to finish and when they did, it was my turn.

"Thank you both for coming." Said sensei. He closed the door and we took seats in the front. "Okay, let's go over grades first. In the beginning, they were pretty average. High C's and B's, but for a while, they've stayed in A's." He pulled up the class average on the screen to show how I was high up with the other smart students. "I think that the transition from the American school to here was a bit jarring, but she caught up pretty quickly." In the next slide, he began playing a recorded video of me. It showed the security camera footage of when I lost control of the blue flames and a more recent video of me being able to control it. "Her quirk is incredible and strong. As you can see, the quirk was maybe a bit too strong for her in the beginning, but she's also gained control over that because of-... Uhm... Anyway. Overall, I think she's an excellent student. She's doing really well and her other teachers agree."

"That's so great to hear." My dad smiled. "Is that all?"

"Well, there's just one more thing that I'm obligated to mention."

"Oh, did she get into a fight?" My mother asked.

"No. There was a week of school where there were rumors floating around about her and a boy. I don't know if you know this, but they've been dating and drama between them hindered her schoolwork for a bit."

"But she's doing well now?"

"Yes, that week didn't affect any grades."

"Well, Aizawa-san." My dad awkwardly smiled. "We don't know what the rules are at this school, but we know all about her boyfriend Shoto Todoroki."

"You do?" Asked Sensei.

"Yes, we do. We've met him and his family multiple times and both sides approve. Is there something you would like us to do?"

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now