❄️Truth or Dare🔥

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This part is pretty long. About twice as long as my usual posts.
I hope y'all enjoy it 🥰

When the door opened, I looked up to see Endeavor and he motioned us to come in.

When the door opened, I looked up to see Endeavor and he motioned us to come in

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"Glad you guys could make it." He said. "Y/n, why don't you put your coats in the closet under the stairs? I'll show your parents around." I nodded before grabbing my parents coats and putting all of it in the closet. As I walked to the living room, I noticed that there were surprisingly a lot of people. Not too full, but not empty looking. There were a bunch of adults around and some kids as well.

"Y/n-chan!" I heard my name being excitedly yelled. I turned to look at Uraraka and Iida.

"Oh hey." I smiled. "I didn't know you guys were coming."

"We were invited pretty last minute. Literally in a group text after we left campus."

"Who else is here?"

"Midoriya-san is here with Todoroki-san." Iida said. "We left them in the dining room."

I followed them into the dining room and stopped when I saw my mom bothering Shoto. I quickly walked over and stepped in front of him. "What's going on here?" I asked. "Shouldn't you be touring the house?"

"Your dad and I were just dropping off the lasagna." My mom smiled. "I saw my future- I mean, your boyfriend and I had to come talk to him."

"Come on. We're embarrassing her." Said my dad before pulling her away. I turned to look at Shoto and kissed him before holding his hand. He was just staring at me wide eyed and his eyes kept drifting to different parts of my outfit. I chuckled before lifting his chin and making him look at my face.

"So, Midoriya-kun. I'm glad that you're here too." I smiled.

"Yea. I even made sure to bring my mom." He smiled back.

"Shoto, did you invite anyone else?"

"Bakugo, but I don't think he'll come." He responded. I stared at him for a second. His eyes were still big, like he wanted to say something, but was holding himself back.

"What should we do while the adults talk and drink?" I asked him.

"... Let's grab some food and drinks before going to my room. I prepared some Christmas movies."

I nodded before leading him to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of something. "Whoa!" Yelled Natsuo. "You can't drink that."

"Why not?" I asked.

"... It's soda."


"... Adult soda..."

"So alcohol."

"What?! No..."

"Natsuo-kun... We're not little kids. I know what alcohol is and I don't want any." I grabbed a bottle of actual soda and a plate of food before going up with the rest of them. We went to Shoto's room and started setting up until someone else barged in.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now