Date Night

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Later in the week, Mina and Kirishima had invited Katsuki and I on a double date. We were planning on going to dinner and a movie, so I wore a cute mini-dress and walked out of my room when I was done.

Katsuki was sitting on the couch until he saw me and he got up so we could leave

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Katsuki was sitting on the couch until he saw me and he got up so we could leave. He drove us to the restaurant and we were led to the other couples table.

"Hey." I happily greeted them before sitting down with Katsuki.

"Glad you guys could make it." Mina smiled.

"Same." Kirishima said. "I've been waiting forever to do this with my Bakubro. Not that you guys are dating, but close enough, right?"

"Oh, has he been telling you about us?" I asked before turning to look at Katsuki who looked tense.

"No." Katsuki answered for him. "What's there to tell?"

"Oh." Kirishima anxiously looked at Katsuki and looked back at me. "H-he hasn't said anything. Right, Mina? Why? Is there something we shouldn't know?"

I watched him nudge her and she quickly tensed up. "Y-yea. We don't know anything." She answered.

It got quiet before I laughed and took a sip of the water in front of me. "I tend to pick up on things pretty quickly nowadays." I said. "I know that he's told you about us before. The questions you asked during our reunion made that clear. I'm still sleeping with him... and you already know that I'm staying with him, right?" They nodded and I smiled before looking up at Katsuki. "I was hoping we could play boyfriend and girlfriend for the night. Just do what we want without holding back or thinking about the consequences. Can we?"

"You're so infuriating." He huffed before leaning in to kiss me. He slowly pulled away and we made eye contact before turning around to look at the real couple. I watched them stare at us in shock and I picked up the menu to figure out what I wanted. After ordering, we shifted the conversation onto our interests and soon began eating after getting our food. After dinner, we left the restaurant and went to the nearby private theater. The guys were buying our tickets and snacks while Mina and I waited a few feet away.

"I can't believe you two." Mina said while holding onto my arm. "You two are crazy in love and you're dancing around becoming a couple."

"What? No." I responded. "We're like this because we've been so intimate. It's easy now."

"Well, I don't know. There's something about the way you two look at each other. It looks like love to me."

"Sure." I scoffed. I turned to look in his direction and watched him walk toward us. I stared at his piercing red eyes and amazing figure. Physically, I liked everything about him. Emotionally, we weren't there yet. We mainly bonded over sex and we didn't really bond with much else. When he stayed with me in America, he was there for work and we only spent our nights together. The first night, drinking while we caught up. The second night and every night after, we had sex. We only got into a dating scandal on the first night, since we were seen together at a restaurant.

"Hold this?" He handed me two bags of candy before holding my empty hand.

I stared at him before chuckling and turning around to walk. "If you'd like, I can hold the soda or popcorn. I wouldn't want you to accidentally drop them." I said while looking at his full arm.

"You think I can't handle it?"

"I didn't say that. If you can carry three people at the same time, then you're more than capable of carrying both the popcorn and soda."

"It's actually four people, but I'm glad you know." We walked to our theater number and grabbed our seats before the movie started. The boys had picked a scary movie and although I wasn't easy to scare, Mina was and I didn't want Kirishima to be the only one getting action. A few minutes into the movie, I lifted the arm rest between us and cuddled further into Katsuki's arms. "What? You can't be cold, right?" I huffed before moving away from him and moving closer to Mina, who was practically on top of Kirishima. I looked at them through eyes of jealousy and turned to look at the big screen. After a minute or two, I felt Katsuki touch my arm, which I ignored until he got pissed. "Get your ass back over here." He quietly growled. He roughly pulled me into his arms and I looked at him before furrowing my eyebrows at him. We both looked at each other angrily as our nostrils flared and chests slowly puffed up and down. I could feel us slowly moving closer and my heart began racing. Our lips slowly touched and I listened to him exhale deeply before biting my lower lip. I grabbed the back of his head before pulling him away and looking at him.

"Bathroom. Now." I growled. I got up with him following and I stomped to the men's bathroom before pulling him into an empty stall. I locked the door and pinned his back against it before aggressively kissing him. We began kissing fervidly, while our hands roughly touched and grabbed at each other's bodies. I quickly undid the zipper of his pants and pulled them down. I sat down before taking him into my mouth and enthusiastically deep-throating him until his cock was rock hard. I slipped my hand into his pockets and felt around them until I found a condom. I quickly opened it and pulled away before slipping it onto him. He forced me up and quickly pulled up my skirt while pulling down my panties. I listened to him spit in his hand and I soon felt him push his cock deep inside of me. I whimpered into my hand as he violently thrusted and I felt him tightly grab my hips as my legs were beginning to go weak.

"Cum for me." He huffed. "Please fucking cum for me." He begged repeatedly before grabbing onto me tighter. I could feel my climax getting closer and quietly cried before reaching it. I quickly lost all strength and Katsuki quickly pinned me to the wall to keep me in place until he finished. He grunted before thrusting one last time and holding me in place as he slowly pulled out. He panted before sitting down and I sat on his lap to catch my breath. When we did, we cleaned ourselves up and went back to our theater seats.

"Where were you two?" Mina quietly asked.

"Bathroom." I responded. I felt Katsuki's hand on my thigh and turned to look at him. We smiled at each other before cuddling close and gently kissing. After the movie, we all left and walked to a nearby park where we sat on benches to eat our movie theater candy. While we were eating, I put a sour patch between my teeth and turned towards Katsuki. He leaned in to take it and kissed me after doing it.

"You guys are kinda gross." Kirishima said, making me laugh. "I guess your bathroom break went better than expected."

"You could say that." Said Katsuki.

"I so badly want you two to be together." Mina pouted. "Am I allowed to say that?"

"You already did."

After leaving the park, we parted ways and I went home with Katsuki. We showered separately in different bathrooms, but when I went to the guest room to change, I decided to wear something a bit sexy. I put on a silk, short nightgown without anything under it and made my way to Katsuki's room, where it was already dark.

"What do you want?" He groaned from his bed. I walked closer and crawled on top before straddling his naked hips.

"You're still my boyfriend for the night, right?"

"I have work in the morning."

"I'm not hearing a no." I leaned in to kiss him and grabbed his hands before pinning them above his head. I went lower to kiss his neck and listened to him quietly moan. I sat on his pelvis to feel his naked lower half touch mine and he quickly pulled his hands free before grabbing my hips.

"You're not wearing panties?"

"Does this count?" I sat up before setting my hand on fire so he could see my gown. I slowly lifted the bottom of it to expose my bare lower half and he grabbed my wrist before I put out the flame.

"Fuck no." He huffed before grabbing me and flipping me onto my back. "We're not doing this right now."

"Why?" I whined.

"I have work in the morning!"

"Fine!" He laid next to me and tightly pulled me into his arms. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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