Chapter 6: Blue Team vs. Orange Team! One Of The S4 Is Here!?

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


Last time on Into the Light Remake...

We witnessed Diana's fight with the cheerleader captain of Inkopolis High School, Isabella, as Diana wanted to stand up for the bullying she did towards a defenseless student.


Diana: Made you look prettier.

This fight was put to a stop by class president of the student council, Veronica.

Veronica: Grab your things and leave, before I change my mind. We'll discuss this another time.

In other news, the Blue Team is participating in the CoroCoro Cup to be the most fresh team on the block. Their first battle involved them fighting the S+ ranker known as Rider, an Inkling who prefers to work alone.

Specs & Headphones: (YEP, WE'RE TOAST.)

They had some mishaps here and there, with Goggles falling into a body of water.


And Goggles almost getting obliterated by the Triple Inkstrike.

Specs: GOGGLES!!!

But to their surprised, Goggles survived and launched a fearsome counterattack.

Goggles: Time for a counterattack! Paint it all!!

And with coordinated teamwork, they were able to beat Team Yellow-Green.

Squid Sisters: {TEAM BLUE WINS!!}

Find out what happens next on this exciting chapter of Into the Light Remake!


We cut to an alley with Goggles talking to all of you on what happened in-between chapters.

Goggles: Hey everyone! Goggles here! The CoroCoro Cup had just gone underway, and we're ready to aim for the top! Things got a little out of hand when we went up against an Inkling named Rider. He was a tough guy, but we all got through with teamwork! With one victory on our belt, we're well on our way to becoming the champions! Well, that IS what I'd like to say, but funny story: we actually lost on our second round. It was so close, too! Just one little push, and we would've had it, but man! What a match! Oh well, no worries. We'll just train hard and become the champions of the next cup! 

He had sweat running down his face.

Goggles: Just don't tell Rider I'm here, alright? I kinda made promise to him that I wouldn't lost the next round. When I told him about our loss, he was NOT happy! So I'm hiding here until everything's safe and things settle down for a bit. We all make mistakes from time to time, so I hope he's not TOO angry with us. At any rate, we should really start training hard! Who knows when something unexpected may happen? We better be prepared for it when it comes! Are you ready guys? I am! I'm more ready than I'll ever be--!

Rider: Goggles!

Goggles: ACK!!

Rider: What are you doing?

Goggles: How'd you find me!?

Rider: I can hear you, ALL the way from the Plaza. You're real loud, you know?

Goggles went into squid form and swam away from Rider.

Rider: HEY!

He also went into squid form and chased him.

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