Chapter 48: The End of An Arc - Part 1

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Diana: The following is a non-profit, fan-based fictional story. Splatoon is owned by Nintendo, Hisashi Nogami, and Shintaro Sato. Please support the official release.


(Azazel's POV)

The bustling city of Inkopolis started its day at 10 a.m. as people woke up to their daily routines. Some headed to work, while others engaged in the thrilling activity of Turf Wars. Meanwhile, I found myself lying in bed, trying to shake off the irritation caused by the sun's rays on my face. As the light peeked through my window, I begrudgingly woke up with a sour mood.

Azazel: Fucking sun...

Upon rising from my bed, I made my way over to the window and drew the curtains closed, allowing the soft morning light to filter in. As I crawled back into bed, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone else beside me. Slowly, I reached for the sheets and gently pulled them back, revealing the form of Minai lying next to me.

Azazel: (What the hell is she doing in my room?) *I thought to myself*

As Minai stirred from her slumber, her eyelids flickered open, and she gradually became aware of her surroundings. With a languid yawn, she extended her arms and stretched her muscles, feeling the stiffness from her long sleep dissipate. Her gaze shifted towards me, and a smile of recognition lit up her face, indicating that she was happy to see me.

Minai: Hewo, Azazel. Good morning.

Azazel: Why are you in my bed, Minai?

Minai: Hehe, you were already asleep by the time I walked in here last night. So I let myself in and climbed into your bed. It was quite comfortable sleeping with you.

Azazel: So you couldn't help yourself.

Minai: Mhm.

I was startled by the sound of my door creaking open, and to my surprise, in walked Pearl and Marina. Pearl carried a plate of freshly made pancakes, while Marina opted for a bowl of cold cereal--a clear reflection of their individual preferences for warm and cold breakfasts. It was a thoughtful gesture, and I couldn't help but appreciate their consideration for my morning meal.

Pearl: We made breakfast for you, Azazel.

Marina: Mhm. Eat up as much as you like.

Minai: I do love pancakes. But I prefer waffles.

Azazel: French toast is obviously better.

Following a delightful breakfast, we descended the stairs to find our companions in high spirits and engaged in various activities. Callie and Aimi were deep in a card game, their faces intense with concentration. Marie and Momiji, on the other hand, were enjoying a pleasant cup of tea while chatting amiably. Diana, the ever-edgy agent, leaned casually against the wall, her arms crossed as she surveyed the room. Meanwhile, Calem and Aina were engaged in a lively conversation, their voices animated with excitement. Luna, the tech genius, had Marina transfixed as she demonstrated her groundbreaking sentient holograms. Pearl and Akari, in contrast, were in the midst of a hilarious rap battle, both of them clearly reveling in the silly fun of it all. Cap'n Cuttlefish sat comfortably on the couch, intently watching the news on TV. Bordeaux, the resident artist, was sprawled on the floor, engrossed in drawing in Pearl's coloring books. And last but not least, Homura was enjoying a simple meal of rice in the kitchen, looking content and at ease.

Azazel: Hey, has anyone seen Juvia?

Calem: She said she wanted to try on a new outfit.

Minai: Maybe she's trying on the latest fashion.

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