Chapter 23: My Life Turned Upside-Down! I Am Agent 4!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

It was the day after the Square King Cup and I woke up on a bright and sunny day in my apartment.

Azazel: Time to start my day.

I got a clean pair of clothes and I went into the shower to wash myself off.

Azazel: I'm glad my friends had a great time at the championship. It's nice for everyone to have fun.

Once I had finished my shower, I got dressed and went to make myself a cup of coffee. But I noticed something was off. The lights were flickering over and over. On top of this, the coffee maker wasn't working.

Azazel: What the hell? Did I blew a fuse or something?

I went to check on the breakers to make sure a fuse wasn't blown and sure enough, none of them were blown.

Azazel: What is going on?

I went downstairs and headed off to Inkopolis Square to get myself some coffee at Squidbucks.

When I got to the door, it said that it was closed due to having no power.

Azazel: Now where am I gonna get a pick-me-up?

I looked over at Crusty Sean's food truck and noticed that his truck had some power due to a generator he has in the truck.

Azazel: Hey, maybe he has something.

I went over to Crusty Sean and he looked down towards me.

Crusty Sean: What's kraken!?

Azazel: Hey, Crusty Sean. Do you have a latte that I can order?

Crusty Sean: We got just the thing for you, squiddo.

He prepared the latte for me as I was looking at my phone and playing Squid Jump.

He got my latte on the counter as he finished brewing it.

Crusty Sean: That'll be 500 Yen.

Azazel: Here you go, man.

I paid him the money as I picked up my latte.

Crusty Sean: Peace!

Azazel: See ya, Crusty Sean.

I sat down at the only table with an umbrella to drink my latte. While I was drinking, I noticed something off about Deca Tower.

Azazel: Huh, that's odd. Isn't the Great Zapfish supposed to be there or something?

I decided to shrug it off. The giant TV screen on Deca Tower suddenly went live, and Off the Hook are on.

Pearl: Y'all know what time it is!

Marina: It's Off the Hook, coming at you LIVE from Inkopolis Square!

Pearl: Check it! Here are the current Regular Battle stages!

Marina proceeded to spin the records twice to show off the battle stages, with the first one being the Reef.

Pearl: Look at me! I'm Marina! BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Marina: Ahaha! Yeah, that's so me!

Pearl: I bought WAY too much here yesterday. Used up my entire allowance...

Marina: You...still get an allowance?

Azazel: Since when does someone like Pearl still get an allowance? List of things I'd thought I would never hear.

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