Chapter 5: The CoroCoro Cup Has Begun! Who's Going To Win?

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Diana's POV)

-May 28th, 14,015 C.E.-

It has been 2,000 years since the events that occurred when the heroes destroyed Raijin for good, and the Earth has enjoyed centuries of peace. During this time, all cephalopods have seem to forgotten what happened in the ancient past and deemed it as mythical, something you only hear in fairy tales.

Within the city of Inkopolis, also referred to as the Big Kelp, Inklings rule the city as they muscle in for competition on who can be the freshest squid on the block.

In an apartment building, we see a new face, someone who is destined to be the freshest squid in Inkopolis. Her name is Diana Lockhart, a young 17 year old Inkling girl and she is the descendant of Abraham Lockhart.

 Her name is Diana Lockhart, a young 17 year old Inkling girl and she is the descendant of Abraham Lockhart

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As of now, she is currently resting on her bed, sleeping through the morning, when suddenly...

Diana: Ugh... Five more minutes, dad... I don't wanna go to school...

She is currently attending Inkopolis High School as a junior, and she better hope to get her grades up if she's to compete in the tournament.

Diana: 💢 All right, all right! I'm up, fuck!

She slammed her fist on the alarm, turning off the alarm and she slowly got up, resulting in her tentacles getting messy.

Diana: Well... Time to start the day, I guess.

The first thing she went to do is went to the bathroom for a quick shower. As soon as she strips herself naked from her pajamas, she turns to all of you reading this part.

Diana: What the fuck are you looking at, perverts!?

She started throwing hygiene products at the cameraman, causing him to jump out the window.

We now cut to Diana in her school uniform and is going to the kitchen for breakfast.

Diana: Hmmm... What should I have?

She looked around to see what she can make.

Diana: Eh, this should be good enough.

She grabbed some rice and water, threw them into the rice cooker and let it cook.

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