What am I doing

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Hey guys. I know you guys are expecting a new chapter for Into the Light and Ascend from Darkness. I got some things that I want to talk to you guys about, update you all on what's going on.

As you guys might not know, the Notorious Scoundrels: myself, X-FL0W, @Darkinkling369, @AbdulazizSharkar, @1Shitpost1, and @DGTV987 have hit a rough spot in our friendship. And it's 100% my fault. I failed them. I know you guys are probably gonna ask question, and since some of you guys are young, I owe many of you guys an explanation to an extent because this is very personal. And I won't go into too much detail.

And I just wanna say sorry, I haven't really been uploading chapters. People have looked up to me as a role model for becoming inspired to write something of their own. If there's any advice I can give you guys for the future, for like your parents, your spouse, your friends. Don't be a dick by pushing your friendships aside for petty desires for yourself. Saying hurtful and mean things only makes things worse for those around you. So please, don't leave hate comments on their accounts. We're all human beings and we're not perfect. But we can strive to be better.

I swore to myself that I would never do it again, and I've done it many times in my life. I've neglected the one thing that mattered most. I won't be on Wattpad for the remainder of this month and the entirety of October. I'm gonna have to step down and take a break--do some soul searching and think a lot to myself on what purpose my life serves.

If you guys are feeling angry towards me, I understand. Just be nice. I don't deserve to be attacked as much as anyone else would. I just wanna say, I love all of you guys. You've helped changed my life when I was struggling in college, and I just want you all to know that. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon.

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