Chapter 33: Battle of the Ages! Agents vs. Octavio!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

We landed at our destination from the kettle and we arrived to the final boss.

There was a large crowd of Octarians in the stands surrounding the stage. They're all cheering for whoever we were about to fight.

Gloves: A concert hall?

Skull: Not something you see everyday.

Agent 4.3 was mostly silent.

Goggles: I'm getting kind of excited! *He held out a large fan*

Marie: {Are those glowsticks?}

Azazel: Seems like it, Marie.

In front of us appeared to be a stage in the center of the area, surrounded by Octarian purple ink. On the stage, we could see the silhouette of a person

Marie: {Let's go, Agents!}

We walked a bit closer, then suddenly...Marie spoke up.

Marie: {Wait...? Is that...? CALLIE!?}

Callie then turned around with her arms crossed, wearing the Octarian getup that Octavio gave her after brainwashing her.

Callie: I told you to leave...

Marie: {Callie... Why?}

Callie quickly struck a pose, something that looked like it came right out of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Callie: Now you leave me no choice...

She threw her hand to the side.

Callie: Prepare to be rocked!

She threw both of her fingers into the air.

Callie: Hey, DJ!

The stage she was standing on then lit up and started floating in the air. Within the platform was the Octarian Emperor himself, DJ Octavio.

Goggles: AH!

Gloves: That's...

Azazel: DJ Octavio.

We could see the Great Zapfish poking out of the bottom of it.

Skull: There's the Great Zapfish.

It was quickly sucked up into the Octobot, powering it.

The stage's lights went up higher and it emitted a loud sound.

DJ Octavio: Octavio in da houuuuuuuuse! GYAH HA HA! I REMIXED CALLIE'S BRIAN!

Marie: {In that case, we'll bring her back by force!}

Callie: Time for our first song of the night: Bomb Rush Blush!

DJ Octavio: Time to drop the beatdown!

Callie: Spin it, DJ!

Gloves: We're taking back the Great Zapfish!

The Octobot fired its giant fist at us. Luckily, we dodged out of the way before we got hit.

Goggles: Whoa!

Gloves: What an amazing punch!

Skull: This is the power of the Great Zapfish, huh?

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