The Wonderful Magic of Into the Light

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Into the Light can widely be considered to be a science fantasy series out of the gaggle of Splatoon harem series on Wattpad, and it can't have fantasy without magic.

During the heroes' adventures on Earth, they'll find different kinds of magics that can vary from holy and righteous, to downright evil and demonic.



In the beginning, 13.8 billion years ago, there was nothing. No time, no space, nothing. And God said, "Let there be light." Using His power of omnipotence, He created the multiverse with the Big Bang. Alongside the creation of the multiverse, the Big Bang also birthed the Immaterium, otherwise known as the Warp. This alternate dimension of psychic power is where all forms of magic originate from.

Fast forward to the modern era. For anyone to call upon the Holy Light to aid them, it requires one's complete willpower to harness this mystical force, and faith in what you're doing is morally right.

If one is not completely faithful to God, He will not aid those unfaithful with the Holy Light. In Highlyon, the Church of the Holy Allfather was founded on the seven heavenly virtues found throughout Christianity: faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, and prudence. Once one follows these virtues, it will allow a member of the Church of the Holy Allfather to manifest a world of honor and justice.

But the morality of the Holy Light is based on the person wielding it. Many Highling priests who are considered to be extremists see the world as if it was full of unclean heretics--tainted by the evil of demons. Of course, the world isn't filled with demon-worshipping heretics, but these zealous priests illustrate how faith can turn into devout fanaticism that makes them close-minded psychopaths.

Another example are fallen angels, who were once loyal servants of God that were banished from the Heavens after they fell from grace. They use their powers of holy magic to show spite for their former leader as they sought to do what His teachings goes against and to harm others.



But what if, no matter how much faith you have in God, He still abandons you. For the Darklings, this is the harsh reality they have accepted. Their hatred for the Lionhearts was so intense that not only did they swear vengeance on the Lionhearts, but also on the gods they worshipped, including God Himself.

So Darklings who were once priests in the Church of the Holy Allfather turned to a new form of magic to call upon. While holy magic draws on the emotions of the heart such as hope, courage, and comfort, shadow magic draws on emotions of the mind such as despair, doubt, and fear. In the Holy Light of God, you stand together as one. But in the darkness, you are alone; fanatical in your pursuit of indescribable power.

Dark priests draw on the corruptive influence of the mind--harnessing the powers of darkness to gain immense power at the cost of their sanity as one's mind falls victim to the dark whispers.



Chaos magic is just as, if not more addictive and corruptive than the powers of darkness. The most infamous users of this corruptive magic are the forces of Hell and those of Chaos. Those who practice using chaos magic are able to summon demons to fight alongside them. But to summon a demon, a soul must be sacrificed.

Warlocks are among the evilest magic wielders in Into the Light, with the most infamous warlock being Dark Squid; who sucks the life force out of innocents, harnesses chaotic and corruptive magics, and steals souls to retain her youth and live longer.

Chaos magic takes time to learn, but practitioners can achieve a high power level relatively quickly compared to other forms of magic. But those who use chaos magic risk slowly transforming into demons as their minds become influenced by the Chaos Gods.



Arcane magic, the counterpart to chaos magic, is the embodiment of order and requires knowledge. Arcane magic is like a form of science to the Highlings and others who practice the arts of the arcane.

For one to hone such magic, years and years of studying are required to use arcane magic. Part of the reason for this is that arcane magic is incredibly diverse. It allows users to hone elements such as fire, ice, lightning, earth, and so on.

Stonehenge, one of the most iconic landmarks in England is actually a set of arcane runestones that the gods had left for those who seek knowledge. When Inklings showed up on what would become Highling Archipelago about 6,000 years ago, the magic emitting from the runestones would change these Inklings for the next 4,000 years; transforming them into the Highlings we know today.



Darklings who were once practitioners of arcane magic or still use arcane magic felt like morality was getting in the way of achieving high amounts of knowledge and power. So they delve into a form of magic that is incredibly taboo in Highling culture: death. These wielders of death magic harness the powers of the Lord of Decay, Nurgle, and use them against their living enemies.

One of the most common users of death magic are necromancers. These dark magic users practice the art of raising the dead and honing the craft of necrotic magic. Over time, their bodies will slowly decay, causing them to wither into the very creatures they raised into undeath. Liches are among the most powerful kind of necromancers, and these high-ranking necromancers have their souls bound to a vessel called a phylactery.

Death knights are another kind of wielders of death magic. They were once brave soldiers who showed great tenacity against their enemies. Once they are raised into undeath by Dark Squid personally, these elite Darkling warriors used their new schools of magic to their fullest. They can use the powers of blood to sustain themselves in combat and use their control over it to make one's blood boil inside them. They can use the powers of ice to inflict bitter cold onto their enemies. While mages merely use ice magic to inflict cold, death knights literally are frozen to the core as ice flows through their undead veins.

And lastly, necromancy is their bread and butter. With a wave of one's hand, a death knight can spread infectious diseases, rot their enemies from within, and raise corpses into undeath.



Nature magic focuses on using the element of life to sustain one's allies and to protect all life. Druids are the masters of nature magic as they are the guardians of nature who seek to preserve balance and protect life on the planet. Druids typically don't get involved with the affairs of people, but when all life is under threat, they have no choice but to get involved as they must preserve life.


That is all I got for you guys. The next chapter is still coming, so be on the lookout for that. I'm RaveDogg, and I'll see you later. Peace out.

January 29th, 2023.

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