Chapter 35: An Important Meetup with the Squid Sisters!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Marie's POV)

Within the apartment inhabited by the Squid Sisters, Callie was lazing around on the couch, bored to death.

Callie: Marieeeeeeeeeeee!

Marie: What, Callie?

Callie: I'm booooooooooored!

Marie: Well, what do you want me to do about it!?

Callie: I don't know? Anything!? There's nothing to do here, right now!

Marie: Well sorry, Callie. It's not like there's any Octarians to fight anymore. We don't have any gigs to go to. I don't know what you want me to do.

Callie: I don't either! That's why I'm bored.

Marie: Well, we could go to the park.

Callie: Nah, you'd just read your book, and I'd have nothing to do.

Marie: Ugh! (Wait... Maybe I can try to contact Off the Hook.)

She went into her room and sat down on her bed, pulling out her phone.


(Marina's POV)

They were at the news station, wrapping up their broadcast.

Pearl: Until next time...

They got up from their seats and struck their signature poses.

Off the Hook: Don't get cooked. Stay off the hook!

The camera crew stopped airing the news as Off the Hook finished their poses.

Manager: That was well executed, girls.

Marina: Thank you, boss.

Pearl: It's how we roll in da dough.

After some last minute work, they went out of the news station.

Pearl: Yo, I can go for a pick-me-up right now.

Marina: Good thing there's a Squidbucks nearby.

Pearl: Thank God.

They went inside the Squidbucks to see plenty of people inside.

Marina: Is it just me, or is it getting more lively in here?

Pearl: Beats me.

Juvia: Heya, Marina.

They looked over to see Juvia and Calem in their uniforms as they were working here.

Calem: Hello.

Marina: Hehe. Heya, Onii-san.

Pearl: So you two got the job, huh?

Juvia: Yeah. We were really nervous on our job interview, but we managed to get it with flying colors.

Calem: Yeah.

Juvia: Our co-workers are really nice to us. Hehe, some of the girls told me that Calem looks cute.

Marina: Well, my mom did say he was a cute boy.

Calem: Hehe, yeah. *He rubbed the back of his head*

Juvia: Hehe. So what can we get you, Mari?

Marina: Can I get myself a latte?

Pearl: I'll go with expresso.

Calem: Order up!

The brewers, including Calem and Juvia got the order from Off the Hook and they went to work it. Meanwhile, Pearl and Marina sat down at a nearby table.

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