New Lore

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What's up guys, this is RaveDoggTV here!

And I'm here today to talk to you guys about something I've been meaning to bring up for a while ever since the last chapter was published.

So on September 28th, OctoTeen, the man who wrote the story A Ronin's Harem requested to me that I should stop using his characters in Into the Light since he felt that there were aspects of his characters that I didn't seem to get right. In the end, I complied.

Now, personally, I'm not too shaken up about it. I've known him for 3 years and he's a great friend. After all, he introduced me to Warhammer 40,000 and League of Legends

Something more important I really want to talk about is the new lore I have been cooking up for the last two months.

"But RaveDogg, what about...?" you say, and I cut you off mid-sentence, gently placing my fingers on your lips, and whispering: I'll shall tell you, young one.

If you guys are ready to dive deep into the new lore, I have been cooking up for you all. Hold on to your hats. Also, Raijin has been replaced by a new god I created called Otarr.

Let's start off with the...


So, what is the Ordo Psykanis?

The Ordo Psykanis, or Order of Wizards, is a widely recognized organization that operates on Earth, now known as Terra, in my story. This organization's primary duty is to ensure that mages do not misuse their magical powers. To accomplish this task, they teach mages four fundamental principles. Firstly, they emphasize that magic is a potent force that should be used with caution in order to avoid potentially disastrous consequences. Secondly, they stress that magic is corrupting and can lead to negative outcomes if used incorrectly. Thirdly, they warn that magic is addictive, making it difficult for mages to control its influence on their lives. Finally, they caution that magic attracts the denizens of the Immaterium, who seek to possess those who use it.

In addition to restraining mages from using their powers excessively, the Ordo Psykanis is responsible for hunting down and eliminating demons wherever they appear. They are known to track down Sacred Gear users and eliminate them before they become a significant threat. Their inquisitive reputation for being ruthless in their pursuit of demons has made them feared and respected by the people of Terra.

In the story, Azazel was marked for termination by the Ordo Psykanis when he was a young boy because he had been identified of possessing the Boosted Gear. However, his father, Lothar, paid a large bribe to the organization out of love, convincing them to leave his son alone. But after the Highlyoni Massacre, the Ordo Psykanis broke their agreement with the late king and resumed hunting down Azazel, causing the 10-year-old Azazel to flee and go into hiding in Inkadia.

As a result, Azazel deeply resents the Ordo Psykanis. The organization's decision to eliminate Sacred Gear users turned out to be a terrible mistake, as many who escaped the Ordo's wrath joined the Darklings for protection. These Sacred Gear users later assisted Dark Squid in destroying the Kingdom of Highlyon. The Ordo Psykanis' failure to recognize the potential consequences of their actions led to the tragic events that unfolded in the story, highlighting the importance of responsible use of magical powers.


The Highling Wars of Unification hold a significant place in the history of the Highling people and are a constant source of national and ethnic pride. The events that took place during the reign of Azazel the Great, two millennia ago, are still remembered and celebrated to this day.

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