Chapter 48: The End of An Arc - Part 2

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Azazel: The following is a non-profit, fan-based fictional story. Splatoon is owned by Nintendo, Hisashi Nogami, and Shintaro Sato. Please support the official release.


(Azazel's POV)

It was at Pearl's mansion.

Upon our arrival from Calamari County, I was met with a dire situation. Vittamar, the notorious Darkling general, had enslaved a young Octoling girl named Charlotte and forced her to set the entire village ablaze. As if this wasn't enough, I also discovered that Dark Squid, the immortal Black Witch, had survived my attempt to bury her 11 years ago. However, this was not the only shock I had to endure, as my fellow gang members had learned about the secret I had been keeping from them--the secret that I was Highlyon's crown prince. They were understandably curious and demanded answers. I was prepared to reveal my secret and face the consequences.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I've heard of the tragedy that happened to the Highling royal family. However...I never expected that a surviving member would be among us.

Luna: Yeah. You would think he would be living with high society figures than people like us.

Azazel: My status means nothing to me. I just want to live a normal life.

Indeed, it is an undeniable truth that even during my formative years as a child, I found myself disliking the constricting nature of formal society, especially given my status as royalty. Despite this, however, I remained steadfast in my affection for my beloved family and persevered in adhering to the strict expectations placed upon me. However, my resolve was ultimately tested when my father arranged for me to wed a princess hailing from the Kingdom of Shikara, an Octoling by the name of Jenna, as a means of forging an alliance between our realms. It was then that I realized that the life that had been laid out before me was not one I was willing to accept.

However, it was during and after the Highlyoni Massacre that my perception changed dramatically. With my father dead and Highlyon in ruins, I swore I would honor his memory.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I remember when Highlyon offered their help during the Great Turf War.

Marie: Highlyon and the Conglomerate were once crucial allies against the Octarians.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Without their support, we would've lost against the Imperial Octarian Army, the Shrimplings, and the Darklings they employed as mercenaries.

Upon delving into historical accounts when I was a child, I came across the Great Turf War and was struck by the magnitude of its brutality. Lasting for a grueling five years, the war was marked by trench warfare that evoked a grim reality. The soldiers from both sides endured an unrelenting conflict fraught with violence and death, with no respite in sight. The Great Turf War was a harsh and unforgiving battlefield where soldiers faced death at every turn, whether it be from snipers, artillery, or poison gas. The tales of this war paint a vivid picture of the horrors that unfolded a century ago.

Diana: And to hear that it has fallen is quite concerning.

Luna: What I just don't understand is why they would burn Calamari County. Surely they could've attacked something more important than a tourist attraction.

Azazel: It's simple. They wanted to make the attack personal.

Diana: Great. First Commander Tartar and now these Darkling clowns. I can't catch a damn break against those who want to ruin the lives for many--

Diana's body suddenly jolted with a forceful heartbeat, leaving her feeling alarmed and confused. As her trustworthy and ever-vigilant companions, Bordeaux and I have a clear understanding of what is causing this distressing sensation. Following her liberation from Commander Tartar, the primordial ooze within her body remained, despite Tartar's efforts to sanitize her to his will. However, Diana's condition was getting worse. In order to safeguard Diana's well-being, Bordeaux and I have made a concerted effort to keep this information confidential and hidden from the rest of our group.

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