Chapter 28: Agent 4 is Captured! Operation: Save Azazel! Part 2

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Ophelia: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

Over at a hiding spot we took cover in, we were refilling our ink tanks and cleaning our weapons as we get ready to move out once the coast is clear.

Gloves: Okay, would you mind telling me what the fuckshit you were doing uncoolly?

Azazel: I just couldn't sit idly by and let them kill innocent people.

Goggles: He does have a point.

Gloves: That's not the issue. The issue is that they know we're here and that they're too dangerous to take on alone.

I was silent as Gloves had scolded me.

Gloves: Why did you attack them?

Azazel: ...It reminded me all too much of my past.

Gloves: Would you mind telling us about it?

Azazel: ...No. But I can tell you why it angered me.

Goggles: Tell us.

Azazel: You see... When I was 10 years old, I lived a good life. I was happy, and I even played with my childhood friends and sister. But then...everything changed when DJ Octavio attacked.

I began having flashbacks of Highlyon on fire and innocent people dying at the hands of the Octarians. It was so traumatic for me, no one could possibly know what it's like to feel that pain.

Azazel: Many innocent people were murdered in cold blood, and there was no hope for them... Not even for my father. As I fled, I only watched as my home burned.

Gloves: Jesus... I didn't know..

Goggles: I'm sorry to hear that..

Azazel: Okay, guys. Stay here and be sure to contact me on any updates.

Gloves: Where are you going?

Azazel: I'm gonna scout ahead and see what I can find.

Goggles: Good luck!

Gloves: Be careful and do it in a cool way!

I reverted to my squid form and I Super Jumped to scout ahead of them.

While I scouted ahead, I saw a platoon of Octolings torturing Inkling kids. So I did the only thing right and killed them, throwing their bodies into a lake as I took off.

(Ophelia's POV)

Ophelia was now running towards the last known location where I was seen at.

Ophelia: Octavio seems increasingly frustrated... I'd best find Azazel quickly...


Back over to Octavio's castle, Octavio was talking directly to Ophelia.

DJ Octavio: You know, Ophelia, I'm starting to think my people don't understand what I pay them for.

Ophelia: You don't pay us.

DJ Octavio: *He stammers quickly* Allow them to live for. I mean, first we lose... What was his name?

Ophelia: Hisoka?

DJ Octavio: Eh, Hisoka. Then we lose all of our scouts, and now Motohama's dead? I'm sorry, but if this shit goes any further south, we're going to hit Mexico.

Ophelia: What would you want me to do, Lord Octavio?

DJ Octavio: Well, what I want you to do is pull up your frilly stockings, tighten your thong, and stop being such a...

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