Chapter 25: Atonement for My Mistake! Do Not Piss Off Marie!

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Azazel: Hey guys! Ready for some more Into the Light Remake? Just make sure that when you're reading, you turn the lights on in the room! And don't stare too close at your screen!


(Azazel's POV)

In the mansion that belongs to Off the Hook, I can hear Pearl and Marina arguing over me staying here as it was in the middle of the night.

Pearl: WHAT!?

Marina: Come on Pearlie, it's not that bad.

Pearl: You said we'd keep him here to make sure he's okay. He's okay! So that means we kick him onto the shuffle bus, and ♪he's out of our haaaair♪! Not, "Let's invite him to stay here again!"

Azazel: (Not pulling the pin on that grenade. I know that from my experience from trying to stop N-Pacer and the others from arguing.)

Marina: Pearlie, it's too late for us to just send him back into the wild to survive now.

Pearl: He'll be fine!

Marina: It doesn't matter. I've already invited him to stay, and it's rude to retract an invite.

Pearl: This is my house, and a queen's home is her fucking castle!

Marina had let out a long sigh as she looks at Pearl.

Marina: We'll talk about this in the morning.

She held my hand and she guided me out of the room to let Pearl blow off some steam, and she was blowing off some steam as Pearl was ranting in the room we were previously in.

Azazel: Perhaps Pearl's got a point. I should go and spare you girls the trouble.

Marina: Don't be silly, Azazel. I insist you stay. Besides, the sun's already gone down.

Azazel: Thanks for the help, Marina. So...are you sure that Pearl is going to be okay?

Marina: Yeah, she's actually a big softie.

Azazel: Huh... Never would have imagine that in my life.

She gives off an adorable giggle at my response.

Marina: Don't look so surprised. Save it for when she surprises you.

I rubbed the back of my head as I chuckled at Marina's comment.

Azazel: Yeah, I guess so.

We walked for some time upstairs and we made it over to the guest room that they let me stay in when they took me in. I opened the door and I looked at Marina.

Marina: Well, here we are.

Azazel: Indeed, Marina. I'll try not to sneak off first thing in the morning.

Marina giggled a bit at my comment.

Marina: Umm, goodnight...Azazel.

Azazel: Goodnight, Marina.

She walks away from where I was standing. I was standing in the doorway for quite some time, before going into the room and closing the door. I looked around the room and appreciated how nice it was compared to my crappy apartment that I'm currently renting.

Azazel: I got to admit, this guest room is really nice when I'm not hiding under the bed.

I reached my hand out to the nightstand that is next to the bed, and I decide to check out what's inside.

Azazel: What's this?

I pulled out a book that's titled Why You Should Worship Off the Hook by Hime Hōzuki. It took me a minute to realize who the author is, and when I did...

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